Game Project, Help Needed
Monday, November 30, 2009 - 14:07
Hi fellow artists.
I, along with a few others are about to create a game (first-person / RPG / co-op). We will be using Blender and Unity.
We are looking for a few more people to help out. If you are interested, please go onwards to this sight and join up! Hope to see you there!
Tell us about it. :)
What kind of setting? What's the plot? Who is the main character? Etc. :)
Alright then, here's the preview of the game.
You don't exist, yet they have given you a name, Coot. You have become one of the leading agents in the International Special Forces. There have been many missions including the rescue of the world's leading scientist of today, Olivander. But now, a new mission has come to your doorstep, one unlike any other. Earth has been taken back in time a few hundred years. The modern earth has been mixed with the past and now you find yourself amongst other creatures you have never seen before. Along with an unexpected companion, you know that it is your duty to find out what is going on and to somehow make everything fall back to its right place once again.
At the moment, there isn't much on our site, but it will get going very soon. There will later be a shorter version of the story-line I have created so far in the forum. :D
What license for the code and/or art?
License, code, art? Sorry, what do you mean? We've only just started out and so we haven't really done much...
The art you find here is under "open" licenses that generally break down into two categories (very simplified)
1. Requires that you give credit to the original artist
2. Requires that you give credit to the original artist AND that your game is open source.
Probably half or more of the art here is of type #2, and many artists (like me) only create "open" art.
So if your project will be open source and free to share, you may have an easier time finding help here. If your project will be closed source, and you want to sell copies and not have anyone "pirate" the game, you'll have a harder time finding help here. Hope this makes sense :)
Oh, okay. I think I understand what you mean.
Nah, I was only going onto this site to see if there are any people that would want to help out with the game making. I'm not submitting anything from the game to this site or taking anything from the site for the game, just searching for some help. I may submit some of my other work here though, this is a very cool site and I hope it grows because I could imagine it being very helpful.