20x20 Tileset
Sunday, January 7, 2018 - 14:44
Art Type:
Size of each tile is 20x20 pixels.
They are sorted in a frame and divided by a line size of one pixel.

Size of each tile is 20x20 pixels.
They are sorted in a frame and divided by a line size of one pixel.
but you might want to dissociate these from the character pacman. Pacman is still the intellectual property of Namco.The changes to the characters make them different enough from Pacman that this could be named something more generic, but I still have to mark this with a licensing issue as long as it's named the same as a trademarked character.Even "20x20 Tileset PACMAN-LIKE" would be better. It indicates this is not offical Namco art, just inspired by it, as you say.It's alright?
Yep! Thanks. :)
Would it be possible to get a zip with separate images for each tile?
Ok, but they are not named :)
Thank you so much drakzlin!