Zoria Tileset
- !CO Assets
- 16x16
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- A Pixel Art Collection
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- Assets for making DOS games or games like in DOS in the early 90's
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- Pixel Art - JRPG
- Ragnar's CC-BY 4.0 / OGA-BY 3/4 Bag of Holding
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- THEME: fantasy / rpg
- Tiles
- Tilesets
- We Jammin'
- Zelda style tilesets
16x16 Creative Commons Zelda Tileset
A few years ago, a user in the Zelda Classic community called ZoriaRPG contacted me about making a Creative Commons tileset for the next version of the program. Instead of using commercial Zelda graphics, everything would be reskinned with original designs and tiles. Unfortunately, I was never able to finish this project. So I'm uploading what I finished in case it would be of use to anyone.
I've done my best to organize things, remove leftover infringing material and make the sheets as compact as possible. There are enough overworld tiles here for grass, forest and town environments. No work was finished on underworld tiles and a vast majority of the included sprites are unanimated.
Tile animations are laid out in horizontal strips with similiar tiles grouped together. The entire tileset was done in the NES palette, so it's possible to easily recolor things to get sunset, night, snow, swamp, etc environments. The files in the "aseprite" folder are layered animations which can be loaded in Aseprite.
All artwork in this download is reserved under a CC-BY 4.0 license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Awesome stuff!
Looks really good!
Wow, fantastic work! :)
Hey man, any chance you could ever finish this one? The reason I'm asking is because there is a growing community around the Zelda Solarus engine (Free, open source zelda engine) and they still lack a FLOSS tileset on their package.
Sorry, I'm not continuing this tileset right now but I might pick it up in the future when I've finished up my current projects!
Fantastic work as always, dude! :D
I love the Zelda Classic project. :)
This is so awesome!! Thanks!!!!
Amazing work! You really made that NES palette sing!
Love the look. Brings back good memories!
As far as I know the Solarus Developers work on a free tileset themsel ATM.
They post screenshots from time to time.
Diarandor does the sprite work for the Solarus project. Not sure about tilesets though.
Hi DragonDePlatino, thank you for this great tileset! I'm using it in my game, Vegan on a Desert Island.
Unfortunately, some colors are missing. The NES tileset has 54 colors, and the palette in this sheet contains only 26. I'd like to extend this tileset but cannot find the missing colors.
I found over a dozen interpretations of the NES color palette, and none of them match the colors in these files. Any ideas?
Thank you!
I painkstakingly recolored (most) of this tileset to conform to the NES Classic color pallete. File attached.
That said, I don't think I'll use this. I expected changing the colors to be like "oh whatever" but the NES Classic's muted, natural colors make a big impact on how the scene feels. I'm going for bright/cheerful, so I'll keep the original palette.
I still want to add more colors, but I don't know when to break the rules. I'm too novice. I guess it's something I'll experiment with and figure out.
Hi alexgleason! Sorry that I forgot to include a palette, I forgot that people might want to use colors outside of the ones I did. I would strongly reccommend against using the NES Classic palette because it is far too dark and desaturated. If you want an authentic-looking palette, borrow one from a popular emulator like NEStopia or FCEUX.
For Zoria (and all of my NES art) I aim for something that looks nice on RGB monitors rather than something that's authentic. My palette was generated using bisqwit's NES palette generator with the saturation turned up to 2.0. It was then hand-tweaked a bit so everything fit into the 16-bit colorspace.
For now, I've gone ahead and added the palette to the download. I also threw in some underworld tiles because I forgot to include those.
Amazing. Thank you so much!! This will be extremely helpful for my game. I can't thank you enough. :D
> I painkstakingly recolored (most) of this tileset
I know this comes too late and is going to seem like shameless self-promotion, but I have actually written a tool specifically for swapping palettes around on pixel art.
You can check it out here:
It's free and maybe it'll make the task a little less painful next time around.
To show off the tool's utility, here's this set redone with the classic Sega Master System palette.
if you look closely, I thing you'll find a few spots you missed in your re-color. ;)
@DragonDePlatino: again, great set! Thanks so much for sharing! Also, I feel your pain on that NES palette. So many different variations, and it's true the 'Classic' version of the palette is not only very hard to work with, it doesn't really match how things looked when displayed on an actual old CRT either.
Very minor change, but NES color 38 went from #e0e060 to #e0e070 between the last version and the updated one. The only place it's used is in the water tiles.
I also created a *.gpl color palette file which can be used in GIMP, Krita, and maybe other digital painting tools.
Found here: https://gitlab.com/voadi/voadi/wikis/assets/Zoria.gpl
FYI, here's a mask of just the pixels I was hinting I think might be in error. They are all slightly off from nearby colors in the palette, so I am guessing they are pixels missed in your re-color pass.
Holy cow this tileset is <3<3<3. Thank you for making this!
Beautiful work!
Side note: I like how this looks in the DawnBringer 32 color palette