Thursday, January 21, 2016 - 15:49
Art Type:
- !CO Assets
- 2d
- 2Use4CG
- 3D Shop
- Acid Cube Dungeon Crawler Assets
- Awesome Game Art
- baced ui concepts
- CCO - UI Elements
- CF Inspiration
- Diablo Like GUI
- Favorite Assets
- First-Person Dungeon Crawler - MoonCowGames
- FX & GUI
- Good Dark UI
- GS Prototype RPG 2018
- Interface
- Iso-RPG-Concept
- isometric rpg
- jaam
- Legend of Rathnor Parts
- legends
- Medieval Fantasy Icons
- Medieval Game
- pixelart-game
- prometheus 2
- QnD001 Assets
- Qossire Collection
- Rockwood village
- RPG Assets
- Software Assets
- SpaceRPG
- Top 3d Assets
- Type - Interface Assets
- ui
- UI
- UI
- UI
- UI
- UI Elements
- UI Elements
- UI Inspirations
- Vector Images
- Voyage UI
- WC3-ish Mod
- Zed: AM: Top-Down
Hello everyone!,
I've been working on this GUI for hobby and I want you to use it!, it's inspired by Blizzards game, Diablo. Hope you guys like it and feel free you use it in anyway :).
The font used is a free font.
Cheers from Argentina!

Must say im impressed.
Wow, really professional looking work. I had to look through your past submissions, and they're all incredible! Thanks!
Very good, and CC0.
Thanks for sharing.
Very nice !! Thanks for sharing ;)
This is great!
Really polished, thanks much for sharing!
Very professional! Thank you for sharing this with the community! :)
Very very good, usefull and nice
WOW! Really nice! Well done.
Am I the only one that is getting this at a very low resolution? Certainly not enough to use it, and that's really sad, as I love it.
Hi my friend!,
There should be no problem scaling the elements since Ive tried to make them more "vector" like, the only thing you need to do is scale then play around with the layers settings till you get what you want, im on the train right now as soon as i get home Ill check if i can improve the resolution.
Thanks to all for the great comments and Ill be posting more stuff in the future :)
Could you make this in svg format too?
What was the font used? Do you have a link to where you downloaded it?
Really awesome work here.
Really looks good, although at least from GIMP, I cannot see any obvious way to re-sacale without loosing data. Resolution indeed seems to be an issue.
HI, Really good art. I was looking for somting like this :) Am I allowed to use this in my game?
Hope you like it.
The concept looks really nice. Too bad it's unusable. The resolution isn't high enough to do anything with this. Scaling it up does make it look terrible. Bummer.
Hello, I used your assets in my game. You can play it here http://hellwalker-games.com/
can i use this on my game, and how i can refere to your work, --> use opengameart Link
@red44: The license for this work is CC0 so you can use it for just about anything you want. You don't even need to credit Wyrmheart for it if you don't want to (although it's always nice to credit an artist when using their work). If you want to link to the work, here's the URL for this page on opengameart.org:
Diablo GUI! Diablo GUI! Diablo GUI! AWESOME!!! What a luck is that in tons of internet garbage (or just non-interesting for me things) I have found this masterpiece! I don't have words!!! Thank you!
How realy do you do this magic?
Where did you get the icons? Are they for preview purposes only?
Great UI dude!
wanted thank you and show you my game using your UI:
It's too low res to be usable for me, but otherwise, totally beautiful work.
Hello there.
Your work looks impressive. The only problem is that I use free softwares only (like gimp) and I can't use a psd file working properly. Actually I'm a linux user.
Any chances of you have this file in a free software format?
I'll use it to create a game
thank you
Hey, it's perfect! Thank you.
Very impressived, thank for share mate
I think the file is corrupted. I tried to open with GIMP and some image result to be overlying.
Please fix.