Theme of Com-Mecha
- audio-ambiant
- Dark Sci-Fi
- Dragon Booster Remake
- Eclectic recommendations
- Epic Music
- Farewell project
- Heroes of a Lost World Music/Sound
- Legend of Rathnor Parts
- Medieval Game
- Moosic
- Music
- Music
- Music
- Music - Enviroment
- Music - Epic
- Music and soundfx for a 3d action rpg
- Nawia
- OpenGameArt Jam resources
- PlattyGame
- Soundtracks for use in Open Dungeons
- Used in Valyria tear

This is a track that depicts a harsh, hot, volcanic, and industrial planet. Steam and fire from factories and industrial structures consume the vast volcanic landscape. Workers are forced to work in these harsh conditions as well.
Okay well that's enough ranting about the scene I was thinking of here, but you get the idea. The music pretty much speaks for itself!
I have 3 varations of this track:
-Main Version (Theme of Com-Mecha)
-Variation (Welcome to Com-Mecha)
-Piano Version
The downloadable file below is the preview track download only. If you want the full collection of the variations you can download it from my website here:
I hope you guys enjoy this track.
Also, if needed I can re-arrange it to best suit your needs.
There are those who might want re-arrangements of this track tailored specific to their project, this is also another good reason to communicate with the author.
Contact me on my official website:
Check out my services:

Yet another great piece... Reminds me of a final fantasy game for some reason. PERFECT as a theme for a villain! Hehehe.
Btw, Matthew does not pay me to make these comments lol (case anyone is wondering). I'm just stalking his music
Thanks for your comments! I hope you and everyone else realizes I already have made 120+ tracks, but I don't release them ALL on here, maybe eventually they will all end up on here, but only a select few are. There are way more tracks on my site with the same license :)
This sounds so familiar... but I just can't my finger on it... Is it a track from Mech Warrior 4 that seems similar in my memory?... In any case, this track is awesome and exactly what the title promises! :)
@vestrel00: ^^
This kind of music is great for Turn Based strategy!
Hi Matthew,
I'd like to use Welcome to Com-Mecha for Valyria Tear, for the discover of the army in the village by the heroes.
Would it be fine for you?
Best regards,
That is fine, make sure you check out this page:
Yep, I do think I'm following the attributions instructions (I still don't have ending credits atm) and you're already in the front credits :)
Doesn't necessarly have to be for a hot, volcanic PLANET. I'm thinking it might work for my deep underground passages and tunnels, primarily in the hot lava-filled chambers. ^^
This also reminded me of Final Fantasy. It sounds a little bit like Sephiroth's main theme, Those Chosen By The Planet.
oh very nice music
can i use fantastic music?
Sounds like a Mako Reactor :)
That sounds like something I've always heard yet I cannot point what game it was. Indeed a retro game, but seems like this kind of ambiance has been used in every retro fps right?
Definitely sounds like a song from Final Fantasy.
sounds alot like ff7, though 'feel' like Kuja's theme in ff9.
This is great!