Dungeon Crawl Selected Upscale
Sunday, June 3, 2018 - 06:02
Art Type:
This is a collection of 32 selected sprites from Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup that I upscaled twice (= 4 times more pixels) with pixelart scaling algorithms (HQ2X, scale2x and similar) and then manually polished to achieve high quality.
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^Indeed. The combination of your scaling algorithm + manual polishing is effective. If you ever do more of these, I certainly wouldn't complain. :)
I think I'll do more, I guess upscaling at least all the spell icons could provide a very useful complete icon set. I'll probably also try bigger upscale, but that would likely require much more work as many small details would have to be added to make a real use of the resolution. The monsters would be worth it though, they're really great work of art.
Some of those monster sprites were already originally 64x64 or 96x96 by DENZI before he scaled them down to the 32x32 versions:
I scaled one of your images 2x in the Unity editor and ran it. Pic is below.
I don't look at it as an artist with a critical eye, I look at it as an hobbyist developer and game player...and I think it still looks pretty good.
As a developer, I'd probably prefer a higher volume of pretty good graphics vs. a lower volume of really good graphics, so I'd say stick with 64x64 and focus on a set of images (like you mentioned above)
@MedicineStorm: Oh that's great, but these posts are CC-BY, I'd like to stick to CC0 for my posts. At least it's a good reference.
@Boom Shaka: I definitely aggree it's better to focus on complete sets. With this post I wanted to
1. Test what it looks like.
2. Hopefully start a series of posts with more upscales, either by me or others, which will eventually together make the whole collection.
3. Encourage any other kind of remixing of any other free art.
This pixel art is so great. It reminds me of my childhood playing Nintendo. I'm using these in the AnyRPG Engine for basic avatars.
I've featured this asset in a livestream at https://youtu.be/Kbe1AbhMR3c ,credited you on the contributors page at https://www.anyrpg.org/contributors/ , and added you to the in-engine credits.