LPC: Interior Castle Tiles
Monday, July 1, 2013 - 14:04
Art Type:
- 2D - RPG Tiles
- 2D Fantasy Survival Horror
- 2D Game Art, Music, and Sound Effects I like
- 2D tilesets topview
- 2D::Tile::Orthogonal
- 32x32 ambient
- A Pixel Art Collection
- AshenFarms
- C-Dogs SDL art
- Credits
- Discontinuum
- Dungeon Slayer Art
- DWSG (Using)
- Epic Pixelart RPG
- Game Art
- Generic Art Collection
- hero game
- Hide and Creep
- HyperRealZombieSurvival
- Impyrean options
- JRPG Engine Demo
- Key Pan Blah Me See By Say He She May Game Co
- Kujasa
- Kymiball (Game Jam) assets
- Liberated Pixel Cup
- long licence fantasy modern game
- lpc
- LPC - Indoor Tiles
- LPC Art Collection + Others
- LPC Assorted Assets
- LPC Collection
- LPC Compatible Terrain/Tiles
- LPC Game assets
- LPC RPG Assets
- LPContemporary
- Markiplier Fan Game
- maybe assets for Treasure (+other)
- Medicine's disordered list of Fantasy RPG Tilesets
- Mitty's Maize
- Must Use
- OGA Jam #2 Assets
- Orcish Adventure!
- Pixel Tilesets
- pixelart-game-by
- PokeClone
- Random Art
- rpg
- RPG Game
- RPG Game
- RPG Stuff Collection
- RPG Tiles
- RPG-t.d
- RpgMakerAssets
- Sharm's LPC Contributions
- Sideview pixel art RPG enemy sprites
- Stendhal Potential
- stuff used
- Survival Game
- Tale of Two Lands
- Test
- test
- THEME: fantasy / rpg
- Tilesets
- Tilesets and Backgrounds (PixelArt)
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Art Collection
- Top Down 2d Knight Shmup
- Top Down Fantasy RPG for Commercial Use
- topdown tiles
- Ultimate TableTop
- Used in Hero of Allacrost
- Workable style 32x32 tiles
- Zelda Like RPG
This set was done on commission for an online class about game making, which he generously allowed me to post online after his class finished. I attempted to make them easily mix and match with the other interior LPC tiles. I haven't tested them with the other castle tiles though, I don't know how well they'll work.
Attribution Instructions:
Please credit Lanea Zimmerman

Criminy, Sharm. Awesome work, as always. Excuse me whilst I scramble to incorporate this...
Wow, very pretty Sharm! Well done!
Thanks guys! It was kind of fun to work LPC style again.
SO AWESOME! Sharm, it's great to see more LPC stuff from you. I love it.
PS: I don't suppose you'd mind dual licensing this under the GPL also? CC BY is CC BY-SA compatible, but not GPL compatible :) (You're not required to do this of course! But it would be nice that we could still extend both licensing options with this great extension)
You did a great job! Very usable! Thx.
Awesoome Job! Thank you.
GPL Licence added.
Bottom of the vase?
In the base assets, specifically: http://lpc.opengameart.org/static/lpc-style-guide/_images/victoria.png
This is great! Since it's CC-BY, is it compatible with a commercial iOS game?
....of course, with attribution!
I'm cool with that. (sorry about the late reply, didn't see your question until now)
Very cool! :)
Wow very cool.
I'm curious about the person in the third preview. Is her sprite available on OGA somewhere?
That's the princess sprite from the LPC base assets.