Looking for Artist to Draw a Pole-Vaulting Crusader
I'm looking for a simple 2D artist to draw and animate a few frames of a character for a simple platform runner. The character will be loosely based off of this knight with a few moderate changes.
The knight will be armed not with a sword and shield, but with a pole. Not a halberd, not a pike, not a spear. A pole. A basic stick.
The knight will (as of now) consist of:
- idle - knight takes a running stance before the game starts. Maybe a couple frames for breathing. Knight should be holding pole against the floor
- run - knight runs in a somewhat similar fashion as a pole-vaulter, but with the pole being held at a slight angle upwards. Knight's body should slightly twist during animation. Make his cape wavy a bit as he runs. Ya know, artsy things
- attack - knight swings his pole in a horizontal manner, vanquishing foes with his stick fury. Feet should still be running during this attack
- jump - knight vaults himself with his pole. May look funny due to the limited size of the frames compared to the actual relative size of a real pole-vaulting pole, but that is perfectly fine, we'll work with what we got. No landing animation needed
- die - knight dies. I'm open to suggestions here
I have no set amount of frames needed per animation and it doesn't have to be flawlessly smooth by any means. Each frame should be 64x64 and named in a convention like "idle0, idle1, run0, run1, run2" etc. I use a texture packing tool for my games, so it would be very convenient if finished works are zipped and sent as individual frames as opposed to a sprite sheet. I'm looking for a bit more than pixel art, but it doesn't have to be high definition either (or as high-def as 64x64 allows) If you have any immediate idea of what price you'd be looking for, be sure and let me know so that we're on the right foot and I don't take up too much of your time. I will definitely be needing more artwork for this game in the near-future, so if I like the style, I will definitely be commissioning you for additional works. Thank you!
How's it going Thulium?
Nice new avatar :'D
Just wanted to hear if there was anything more you needed.
Haha thank you! I hope you don't mind me using your character design for it, it's the app icon that's gonna be used for the game.
As of now, it's looking like all the bases are covered! I'm still on the fence about a death animation. I originally wanted one, however the idle animation actually doubles pretty well as a death animation. The sprite integrated very smoothly all-around in the game, and it's gotten great reception with the team.
Thanks again, I know I didn't provide very much insight on what I was looking for, but I hope that didn't pose too much of a problem.
Well, I managed to pull it off, didn't I?
If you don't want the death animation I can even give you a price reduction!
That brings us to the fact that you seem to have forgotten a teeny tiny little detail...
I think it fits, but if I end up wanting a death animation down the road, I'll definitely be sure and let you know.
Or, if this works better, let me know how much I owe ya as of now, and what it'd run to if I did wish to add the death animation.
What detail am I missing?
That this is supposedly a paid commission and you haven't yet paid me anything as far as I can tell.
If you PM me your real name or paypal email adress I can check my paypal transactions and see, but I'm pretty sure there's nothing.
Well of course, as I stated above, let me know what I owe you now, and what it'd be if we did add a death animation.
Can't really send anything until I know what to send :P
Of course you can't, I was wondering if it had slipped from your mind completely though.
I think with the death animation I said 70$, so lets say like 64 without it ^^
Absolutely not. I'm highly impressed with the quality. I've been more than eager to pay for your work.
Tell you what, the animation is great as it is, so don't rush it or anything, but let's go ahead and proceed with the death animation.
Good to know. I don't really understand why this is so highly impressive, it's pretty usual stuff of mine tbh, but if it fits your bill, peace be with ya ^^
The death animation, however, I fear will be very slow to make, due to the game jam taking up pretty much all of my time.
Us non-artsy programmers don't quite get the magic that goes into animation, so it's just a beautiful process.
The death animation won't be essential until the game's release, so don't feel rushed whatsoever on it.
Understood! Thanks for your kind tip!
Do you have anything special in mind for that death animaiton?
You know, I was waiting to see a reply to this in my email, only to find it got deleted through an unfortunate careless inbox sweep. So, my apologies for such a long wait time.
Regarding the death animation, my initial thought was sort of a two or three frame falling animation if Deus is in the air, and just a falling back animation if hit while on the ground. I think this, followed by a two frame breathing animation while lying on his back, would be great
Well, if he's breathing, he isn't dead, is he?
Anyways, I'll make it like that if that's what you need ^^ lemme see if I can find my old files for this project....
Less dead, more defeated. It's a runner, after all, the semantics of defeat fit the whole theme, I do suppose lol
I could make a 2 frame falling animation quickly ^^ if this is what you want for it
Just tested, works great! Deus usually dies (erm, is defeated) on the ground, but this is perfect for when he makes a not-so-perfect jump, thank you!
no problem, here is a 4-frame knockback animation. I don't know if this is so good but you can try it ^^
Hmm, the knockback seems like it's in the right direction, but I feel it may be missing a frame or two to be smoother. I think one extra frame between 2 & 3 and 3 & 4 would wrap it up nicely, would you agree?
I can try it ^^
Awesome, thank you very much!
I have no idea how progress on this game would be without your prompt-ness, thank you again. I'm really having a good time in development thanks to your artwork, despite the game being such a simple concept. Everyone's totally loving Deus' graphics and animation.
They really are, well that honestly suprises me quite a bit!
You're welcome though ^^
made a little fix to the first frame :p