Infinite Tux
Thursday, January 17, 2019 - 21:45
Art Type:
Artwork I created to replace the proprietary artwork in the infinite mario game by
Notch of Mojang.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Do with it as you please, no need to credit me but I would like it if you do.

Magnificent work
Well done !
Do you have a link to where Notch originally released these?
Looks like the original game is no longer available on mojang's website. Found this wayback machine link:
Good find dulsi.
Unfortunately, the licensing is unclear for these assets, not just because of Nintendo's possible stake in the derived assets, but also because there is no clear indication of what license Notch indented these to fall under. The source code at that archive link indicates it is public domain, but does that include the art assets? If so, why is this listed under GPL? If any poriton of these were in fact derived from mario assets, then it is nither GPL nor public domain.
Perhaps I am misunderstanding the description. I assumed it was saying these were created by Notch, but is it instead saying these were created by OP to replace the assets in the game that was created by notch?
If that is the case, did these assets use any component of mario bros assets? Were mario bros assets used as a base, guide, or reference in making the assets above?
Hello All,
Sorry for the confusion, all of this was written somewhere but I guess I accidentally deleted it or it's just buried in this this site somewhere.
Notch wrote the code using Nintendo assets to make a Marioesque game. He ultimately released the code as public domain along with a note stating that someone should replace the artwork since it belongs to Nintendo.
This is what I did.
My kids and I made up all of the charachters (except for Tux) and replaced the Nintendo
Sprites with same sized sprites so that there wouldn't be a need to alter the code. Everything was drawn by me even the fonts.You can do what you please with the artwork, it's GPL 3.
I made it a point not to have the artwork resemble anything created by Nintendo(at least anything I could recall) so that there wouldn't be any sort of doubt. This is one of the reasons the game is weird.
I did not create any of the sounds or music, this I downloaded from this site and a few others. I am currently in the process of crediting each author personally but all are credited in a credits file in the root directory.
In theory you can take the original code notch provided , delete the resources folder and replace it with the one from infinte tux and make it all open source.
I downloaded the code from cflewis's github account and created infinite tux on mine.
Comapre the resource folders for both projects and you'll see that there is no Nintendo in the artwork.
I'll paste my github repo because it's free but cflewis's you'll have to find.
I hope this clears things up.
That does indeed clear things up. Thanks!
Sorry but Notch is not afilliated with Mojang in terms of a job but instead of a partnership he owns and works for 4J Studios not Mojang.
@Justanasian: He isn't currently, but he was intimately afilliated with Mojang at the time he made Infinite Mario, which is what this submission is referencing. :)