Need 2D sprites, background & sound effect for beat'em up.
I was guided to your site by my professor. I am in my final year as a programmer and I was given the task in creating a video game as my thesis, but alas I am just a programmer. The game I am creating an 4 player 2D Side Scroller beat'em up (two males & two females) in where the legion of the underworld has risen to take over the world. Their goal is to make it to the evacuation center alive.
The enemies: Zombies: punch, bite, rise from ground, burn, explodes, pukes.
werewolves: Howl, scratch, bite, jump attack, rush attack, punch.
vampires: turns to bat/smoke to envade, Bite, dive attack, kick, punch.
mummies: tomb rises to unveil mummies, the punch and use their wrapping to hold enimies.
Demons: flies around stage and dive kicks. They breath fireballs and uses their tails for close combat.
Hell hounds: The rather large dogs run around stages and hops on you, knocking you down and bites the heck out of you.
The bosses: Witch doctor: Raises the dead as minions and attacks with a spear.
Cyber werewolf: Uses his mechanical/retracable claws to attack, eye shoots lazer, and a sonic howl that makes you dizzy.
Psychopath: he is big and strong and uses the bosy parts he collected as weapons.
Infected General: The general is strong in hand to hand combat, and commands his undead soliders.
Dark Angel: the final boss is a angel with raven wings. He can move extremly fast ( a blur) and has all of the abilities of previous bosses.
In his second form he becomes a giant winged serpent demon that slither arounds the stage and attacke the players by bitting them, wrapping around them choking them and wacking them with his tail.
The power ups:
Necronomicon: allows players to become a zombie for a short period of time and uses their abilities
Wolfsbane: allows player to become a werewolf for a short period of time and uses their abilities.
Blood vial: Allows player to become a vampire for a short period of time.
Cherry: Restores 20% energy
Burger: Restores 50% energy
Halo: Restores 100% energy
Wepons.. Not sure yet.
Stage 1: Decimated High School, Courtyard, parking lot.
Stage 2: Hillside woods, abandon highway, bridge.
Stage 3: Mental hospital, loading dock, city street.
Stage 4: Barricade lot, Military base, Old bunker.
Stage 5: Back road, cemetary, old church.
I will credit you in all of the work you have done and I will send you a finish copy of the game so you can add it to your resume. Again thank you in advance and take care.
I am so sorry I almost forgot the players movements/description:
Player one is a 17 years old male, nerdy yet is well rounded and excellent in hand to hand. His special move is spinning back hand.
Player two is a 34 years old male, a gym teacher. He is slow, but powerful and uses his wrestling skills for fighting. His special move is stomp quake.
Player three is a 16 years old female, cheerleader who is very fast and use her gymnastic moves as a fighting style. Her special is Pyramid head stomp.
Player four is a 24 year old female, a school nurse. She's very agile and uses various medical equiptment in her pouch to fight. Her special move is a defibrillator.
Again sorry.
Hmm... I wonder if your professor really understands the magnitude of what your assignment means. That is a >lot< of art assets that you need, and they'll probably have to be made from scratch if you can't adapt your game design to what's available. 4 original, fully animated characters, 6 animated enemies, essentially 6 bosses, plus environments... that's quite a bit, probably more than you realize. It's pretty unlikely that you'll find someone to do it all for free, especially on a tight schedule, and I'm inferring from your post that the project doesn't have a budget.
Here's what I suggest:
1) take a look at what's already available, and
2) adjust your plans accordingly. At the moment, some of your most important details are missing anyway--style, size/resolution, etc. If you're careful about it you can probably choose this in such a way as to take advantage of what other people have already made. You also probably need to reel in the scope of the project; right now what you're after is just too asset-heavy to really be viable without the money to hire someone (which, all told, would probably be pricey).
For instance, there are quite a few sidescrolling, fighting-game styled characters which have been made for Ultimate Smash Friends. They are released under CC-By, so all you have to do to use them is give credit as specified. However, none of them are like the characters you described. You would have to reimagine the backstory entirely in all likelihood. But on the other hand you'd get the benefit of free, fully animated characters. And so on; there are quite a few nice things to be found around the site, and I think you'll find your project much more managable if you start from there and keep things within what you can reasonably get assets for. Once you have a good idea of the art direction and specific (smaller) needs for the project you'll probably find it much easier to get help.
Thank you very much for your advice and the links provided. I guess I gotten a bit too over board there. He just told me to create a side scroller beat'em up. I in the art direction I wanted something gothic, dark, goloomy. Around 16-bit, like Final fight. This kind of idea came to me after watching a marathon of High School of the dead with my kids. Again thank you so much for responding.
You might also want to take a look at these sprites. They are a bit smaller than the Ultimate Smash Friends sprites and have less animations, but they might suit your needs. They are licensed under CC-BY-SA, which means all you have to do is to credit the authors appropiately and, if you modify them, release the modified versions under CC-BY-SA aswell.
Aha, yes, I forgot those! Be sure to do a search yourself, because there are lots of interesting assets hidden in various nooks and crannies around the site.
will do! Again thank you very much.
Hey, this might be useful for you. Since Bart just got collections up and running, I've put together a collection of sidescrolling character sprites (here: and tile assets (here: There are fewer tiles than I'd hoped, but quite a few characters of various sorts.