Top-Down: Basic Construction
Hi guys! I haven't upload anything for a long time.
This time I choosed a much more simple style than before, because it will be a huge open source project that named Omnihunter. Project will include spaceships, planets and nature, characters (not only soldiers), robots and vehicles, alien creatures and much more. All in the same style. I have been preparing for this all this time.
This is a first step - basic construction of a space station or sci-fi city.
As a game designer (art is my hobby) - I tried to make possible to create a very large-scale project from this graphics. I did everything very economically: almost all textures are tileable and very small. All stuff are made for procedural light, shadows and destruction.
You can create from this art whatever you whant: shooter, RPG, strategy, Rimworld-like game, etc.
Characters are not included, they are not separated in parts and given just for fitting. Each part of this project will be uploaded separetely, so please wait for future uploads.
Soon my friend and me will open a patreon page for Omnihunter. But regardless of this, big part of the grathics still be in public domain.
Light version doesn't include layered demostration, zip archive include only PNG-24 images
Please leave your feedback, comments and suggestions!

pretty cool!
Very cool.
Thank you!
Awesome stuff!
I don't know Who you are. But. I Understand you You are the very brilliant man. Because other Company's so selfish their games. But you know, I'm saying Just "The Counter Strike" just prototype of the "HalfLife". The Open-Source game first heard that.
I'm very appreciated for all of these and a little courses. ;).