Unknown Horizons tileset
Wednesday, November 21, 2012 - 15:51
Art Type:
- 00 Isometric Stuff
- 2D - Isometric Tiles
- 2D::Tile::Isometric
- Art used in Unknown Horizons
- Game Art for Ship War Game
- Green_IT
- HQ 2D & Isometric
- Iso to-use
- Isometric Assets
- Isometric Stuff - Interesting
- Isometric Tiles
- lichverse
- lichverse isometric
- Medicine's disordered list of Fantasy RPG Tilesets
- My Project
- Smugglers
- Terrain transitions
- Tiles - Land & Sea (full set)
- Tilesets
- Top Down 2D Isometric 32x32 Art Collection
- Tropical Treasures and Nautical Niceties
- Ultimate TableTop
Tileset made for Unknown Horizons.
Adapted from Clint Bellanger's beautiful grass and water tiles.
Hope you like them,
Scribe/Daniel Stephens
Attribution Instructions:
Credit me as either Daniel Stephens or Scribe and a link back to Unknown Horizons and OGA would be appreciated!

Thank you
Love it! Love UH for having it! :)
Thanks PerfectM and qubodup! :D
Thanks for posting this =] I like it!
These look really good!
Amazing! Just downloaded :D
Very good looking.
looking nice! thanks so much! Sorry, what does 45, 135, 225, 315 mean?
If want to use it on iOS 7 sprite kit game, shall I spell the pictures by my self?
Sorry, I just get to know what do 45, 135,225,315 mean. But still don't know how to spell them.
@sunlight The numbers are the rotation around the z axis, 45degrees rotated, 135degrees (in 90degree steps)
I have never used sprite kit before but I would guess you would be able to just use the number as a string and call them as "45" or "45.png" or similar, sorry I can't be of more help, you could always rename the images though that might be a lot of work!
Sorry, it would be easier for me to use and spell them if they are rectangle or square, instead of rhombus :)
Thanks for your explaination anyway. I didnot know it's around z axis from the following until your words.
" Pixeling straight lines is easily done be putting pixels side by side, either horizontal or vertical, at the angles of 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees. The next most significant is the diagonal line at angles of 45, 135, 225, 315 degrees, which is drawn by moving pixels one vertically and also one horizontally. Diagonal lines are often used to switch the style into a 1:1 isometric perspective, and has a slope of 1/1, or simply 1. Actually, a line can be drawn in any degree if the slope is known. The common isometric perspective uses an angle of 22.5 degree, or a slope of 1/2, which means for any vertically pixel move two pixels horizontally. To avoid drawing a jagged lines it is advisable to take care all pieces of the line have the same size and slope. "
If you want I can try to find the .blend file and rerender them as topdown or some other straight on projection?
Though these do look similar to pixel art they were actually created by rendering several 3D models, the camera is set to 30degrees below the horizontal if that helps? You could rename them 0, 90, 180, 270 if it makes it easier?
I don't think I understand the problem you are having!
thanks Scribe so much!
So sorry, I am not sure whether I need a topdown ocean background tile or not. But the other sprites such as boat are topdown. I'll ask you for help once I know I need other straight on projection.
Actually you do a great work.
BTW do you play iPhone game?
Sure, let me know and I'll try to get some different version(s) uploaded!
Thank you for your kind words :D
I'm afraid I don't, I have a samsung phone if you are able to create an apk?
Good luck with your project!
Thanks Scribe so much!
I'll appreciate if you may make a Topdown version with Square shape ( this may facilitate for me to spell them together). And ideally the Bank and Grass land are a small area at the left-lower part. ( preferably with 2 harbors at the bottom side along the Bank).
So sorry, currently I can only create iOS App, but I may back to you once I can make Android ;)
Hi sunlight,
Just to update you I have started working on this however for some reason getting the tiles to actually tile is proving strangely difficult when renderer top down (the lighting is always slightly off at tile edges).
Unfortunately that means I couldn't get these done nice and quickly as I'd hoped and I'm going to be quite busy for the next 2 weeks now, after the 5th I will start work on these again. I hope the delay won't be too much of a problem!
Sorry about that!
Hi Scribe,
Thanks for your prompt response and action so so much!
I do understand that you are quite busy recently ;)
Take your time, no rush, please. After 5th to restart is ok :)
Have a nice week end
Hi Scribe,
Sorry, I just realized that perhaps not neccessarily trouble you to create Topdown version now.
But it is better that PNG files in ts_deep0 folders are NOT 640*320.
It's better for them to be 64*64, like other PNG files in other folders.
Ideally with 2 port areas along the lower-left sea bank.
Hey again!
After a good nights sleep I actually realised what I was doing wrong on the top down tiles and so I have almost completed that pack, I will be uploading them soon so look out for them if you need.
If you decide that all you need is the smaller isometric 'deep' tile then I have zipped the new renders up which you can get HERE
You can get a matching style port from here: http://opengameart.org/content/coastal-tent-buildings-and-animated-signa... which is from the same project as this art.
There are also some 'upgrade' versions of that which you can find by looking in the repository HERE
They will be called 'warehouse' and will be dotted around the files in 'buildings', if you need help finding them let me know or drop into #unknown-horizons IRC channel!
EDIT: Topdown set can be found here http://opengameart.org/content/topdown-tileset :)
thanks Scribe so much! Perfect! Also your recommend links. I had wanted to find some sea ports made of metal, and hadnot expected wooden ;) It's a choice anyway.
Interesting proposal