Basic Hex Tile Set - 16x16
Monday, May 27, 2019 - 11:24
Art Type:
This is my first submission to the Community and here we go..
It is a basic set of Terrain and buildings for Hex Maps, including
- Water (shallow, deep, lake)
- Grass
- Beach/Sand
- Bushes
- Forest
- Mountains (not my best work :-/ )
- Farmhouse
- Wheat Field
- Windmill (animated)
- Hunter's high seat
- Shepert's hut
- Mine
- Cottages
It is intened for strategic/buildup game usage. I plan using it soon myself.
I will extend the set in the future more, e.g. with:
- Production Buildings (Schmithery, Butcher, ..)
- Town Buildsings (Houses, Church, Castle, ..)
No Copyright Notice required. A note of tribute is appreciated though.

Great design
Hey this is great work! It's my favorite style (pixel art) and favorite license (CC0). Keep up the awesome job man. Let's keep creativity and freedom flowing always!
Thank you for your kind reply! I never finish my game projects anyway.. That way some of the work might at least be usefull for somebody else.. :-)
Honestly it looks so good