Mascots and friends iconset 1
Monday, June 3, 2019 - 10:58
Art Type:
Icons for open source mascots.
I've done these for a racing video game, to allow for more consistent style.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Elephpant: initial art by El Roubio.
Tux: initial art by Larry Ewing.
Wilber: initial art by Tuomas Kuosmanen (tigert).
(more in license txt files)

However, the licensing you've indicated is contradictory and confusing to users. You've implied in the submission options that ALL characters can be used under any choice of CC-BY-SA 3 OR CC-BY-SA 4 OR CC0. The licenses listed in the file, however, are CC-BY-SA or GPL, the latter of which you have not included in the submission options.EDIT: Found it; Both CC-BY-SA and FAL satisfy the SA, no commercial restrictions, and reciprocity requirements for reciprocal compatibility.Furthermore, the Ned and Koala characters are listed under the "Free Art License" which I'm afraid I'm not familiar enough to determine if it is compatible with any of the licenses accepted on OGA. If you can provide links to documentation about FAL's license compatibility with any of the creative common licenses, I would appreciate it.Ultimately, you cannot package assets with different licenses into a single package. Unless every asset in the package can be used under any one of the licenses (whichever license the downloader decides they like the most), the assets must be submitted separately according to their separate licenses.Until we know more, I have to mark this(and the Ned and Koala submission)with licensing issuessince listing them under licenses that allow commercial use may be a viloation of the FAL.Thank you for understanding and please let me know if you have any questions.Thanks to notice me.
Updated. Can you check if it's ok now ?
I'm gonna upload some of the others in distincts submissions.
Looks good. Thanks! looking forward to the other submissions. :)