Wooden Axe (with degradation progress)
Friday, June 14, 2019 - 04:35
Art Type:
First time I did something like this, so your opinions and tips would be much appreaciated. Would also like to see others try at this.

Well, my opinion is, if the blade is supposed to look the same material of the handle, you did a wonderful job.
Nonetheless i suggest to use 2 separate ramps, one for the handle, one for the blade.
(who's going to use those sprites can adjust the palette if they want 1 material for the whole tool, but the opposite might be time-consuming, and for sure requires manual edit.)
Sry, I lost you at "ramps", what does it mean? I'm not native english speaker.
What he/she means by 'Ramp' is gradiant of golours.
2 seperate colours. i signifying a blade, and one signifying a texture like handle.
Each colour having a 'Light' to 'dark' shade in a gradient. 'Ramp' :)
I see now, but this is meant to be all one color.
Thats cool, i was just explaining what a 'ramp' was based on Pufflotti's comment. :)
I know. Cheers!
Looks like a bronze axe with a wooden handle. :)
Edit: I like the deterioration.
You know, I wasn't paying attention to the name "Wooden Axe". So, makes sense to me that the handle & head are the same color. :)
Here's an iron version:
I never thought of putting it into a gif, looks cool, and it helps me see it's flaws, a few details I might change later. Iron axes are nice. I also made more axe types, will be posting some of them here soon.
I changed the lighting on handles, should be looking better now.
I was talking about that. Other users might want to render an iron, copper, golden axe or, who knows, an axe with a wooden blade and an iridium handle.
I'm aware of that, but I don't understand how I can make that easier for them. If I made 2 ramps instead, one for iron blade and one for wooden handle, someone might want, like you said, and iridium handle, he would still need to create his own ramp from scratch for that.
The first file is indexed with a set of colors for the blade, and another for the handle.
The second file represent a possible palette applied to the first file.
The third file is an attempt to change the colors in your file. I choosed absurd colors in order to show how the same slot is shared by both areas.(
You may notice also that an indexed file weights less than a true color file, by the way) If you change a color in the blade, it will change in the handle too.
The fourth file shows that different ramps can be used to represent the exact same material, and also it should give an idea about what is a ramp.
Thank you for trying to explain it, still I have no idea what all of this is. I started designing recently, i work in photoshop and all I know is set up a grid, make palette and just draw. Seems to me like there's a way to change material on an item with just click of a mouse without creating new pallete from scratch. But that's all I think I figured out from all this.
There's a lot for me to learn, what's the application you are using for this? I want to get familiar with it.
i'm using Aseprite, wich costs 15$, a free alternative is GIMP, i don't know it very well, but i have been assured it has got palette control. i'll look into Gimp how to control the palette.
Everything is free, when you know where to look. ;)
GIMP & Krita are two very good free image editing software. I use GIMP all the time, but I want to get familiar with Krita. Supposedly it's built specifically for pixel art.
I will try them all, photoshop is just annoying.
for a very easy way to swap colours out, or use you own palette you should give @withthelove Pixel Palette Tool a go, its free, and very easy to use, it does an excerlent job of pickingthe colours out automatically. You just chosse a colour a swap it, export, job done. you don't have to worry about 'indexing'. :)
oh, to 'indexed' a PNG in GIMP.
Load a PNG
in the tab selections, select 'Image', then select 'index', then select 255 colours, (you could upload a pallete of your own and then select which pallete to use, not sure how that works though.)
click convert.
Then go to File, 'Export'
and now your PNG should be indexed. :) hope that helps.
I think that establishing the palette is the whole point of indexing.
I followed your instructions and looks like i messed something.
(Of course one could load wide spectrum palettes, like the NTSC or such, it would be a learning experience, but it falls under "gambling".)
I'll see if i can get the procedure for GIMP tonight.
I had a look at GIMP.
Wow, just changing the language from [GPS assumption] to english is like cutting a pizza with a toothbrush.
So, short procedure to index or posterize a drawing made with GIMP:
"Get yourself some other program. GIMP for that is as useful as an hotel in Pyonyang"
Painful and long procedure (it seems good only for tiles):
1) First of all, the [ image -> precision ] must be 8 bits integer, ("perceptual sRGB" should be fine in all case, i didn't try "Linear light")
2) [Image -> mode -> indexed] opens a dialog box, "Generate optimum palette" is the best choice unless web palette is required, (if that's the case, is one of the palettes you can choose from if you use )
Assuming you choose "Generate optimum palette", you can posterize the image by specifying the "maximum number of colors" (It depends on the drawing)
When the command is executed, there is a new problem: the color 0 belongs to the image, while the mask color is in the last position.
3) Open ANOTHER program that allows you to put the mask in the slot 0
So, with what i know now i advise the use of GIMP only in case one needs tools or functions that aren't present in any other graphic editing tool in their computers, or to create rectangular cels.
About the attached file: i don't understand why GIMP deemed a good idea to use the next free slot as mask, and even less how come Aseprite accepted the notion without a fight.
If Aseprite is fine, i can guess some game composition tools will be fine too, but i don't know wich one.
I know for sure there are programs that automatically and ineluctably take the slot 0 as the mask (M.U.G.E.N. by istance.) This is why the mask should always be in the first slot. (As in the original files by ScratchIO )
I guess that GIMP might have the option to choose the slot 0 as mask, but i feel i should invest time in finding some free software that is oriented in producing sprites, without having to open 155 different panels.
IMHO, a guideline to look for a sprite editing tool:
A sprite editing tool should save into standard formats by default and in custom formats if the author needs them.
Edit: Vector art software:
Thank you very much, AntumDeluge.
I'll have a look on the lists you linked to find one that's reasonably functional and intuitive at the same time.
For now i'm gonna study GraphicsGale, in order to be able to explain how to do stuff on a specific free software.
Availavble here: https://graphicsgale.com/us/download.html
Some functions are universal, and the disposition of tools and commands often follows a common logic, but still it makes a little sense that i explain specific procedures in a program that costs money.
About Graphicgale... First thing i realized the moment i started doodling to understand it's logic is that the transparency isn't set by default.
To understand the logic behind transparency in graphic gale i watched this video:
But i wonder if i'd have to link this video to the comment every time i'll be talking about Graphic Gale. If that's the case i'd better have a look on every and each one in those lists XD
I had a hunch, and found out that ASEprite 0.9.5 is free, i'll still study graphicsgale, but beside the fact some batch commands were added, most of my instruction for later versions works with the version 0.9.5
Weeeell... a lot of batch commands were added, in truth, i had forgotten the pain, wich mean it wasn't too much pain.
As you can see it warns about the possibility of data loss.
It never happened to me.
I guess is possible so i won't suggest to ignore the warning, but according to my personal experience, i think is as frequent as a blackout