American / Asian / European city tilesets
I plan on making a few games where the action takes place in multiple city hubs. For this reason, I needed modern tilesets for cities of various themes. For the past days I worked hard on a modification of the Helheim tileset from Vikings of Midgard, combined with a few others... cleaning them up and heavily modifying a lot of stuff. I believe this is worth publicizing, and I'm curious what others will make with them!
Highlights: Shadow as well as spotlight overlays are included. Functional stop signs, which can be configured using a simple 3 tile animation pattern... street lights can also be on off or flickering using the 2 tile pattern. Contains everything you would expect in a city: Stop signs and street lights, neon signs with commercial panels as well as graffiti overlays, barrels which are either on fire or put out, ladders and fences, and an ATM which can activate an interface using custom menus.
Apart from an underground and interior, the final version includes 3 types of cities: American, Asian, European. Each is different yet similar to the other, trying to fit its theme accordingly. They are also interchangeable... meaning that if you make a map with one theme then wish to switch to another, you can simply select another set without having to modify anything else! Included are also the according battle backgrounds, as well as palettes for day / dusk / night / dawn which can be swapped via scripts. Like the originals they are released under the Public Domain, based on graphics made by Fenrir Lunaris.
Tile size is 20x20, total image size is 320x200, all sets use a 256 color palette.
Vikings of Midgard:
Designed for the OHRRPGCE RPG engine:

Would you be able to link to where Fenrir Lunaris (and any other contributors) released the original set into the public domain?
Thank you, glad you like! You can find most of the original tiles in the game Vikings of Midgard, which is also included with OHRRPGCE master. They're also available on the OHRRPGCE wiki, alongside my modifications which are also mirrored on there... feel free to take a look for comparison:
Excellent! Thank you.
A heads up: I created a new version of the tilesets, adding new tiles and fixing other issues. The updated versions have been sitting on my drive for a while, and I finally decided to post them here as well. The backgrounds and palettes are the same, but you'll need to download and import the tiles again.
Note that several items have changed. You'll need to manually convert existing maps if you wish to port them to the new versions, as well as the default passability in the graphics menu of OHRRPGCE.