Sci-Fi Tileset Layer - Junkyard - Kelvana Prime
Monday, July 22, 2019 - 09:26
Art Type:
This contains a tileset layer for various sci-fi alien junkyard setting
The tileset layer is for our game in development (Star Shift). While Star Shift is a commercial product, the development process and assets are using a 100% open development model.
Skorpio - Spaceship Construction Set 1 and 2:
Iconian Fonts - Font (for Alien Writing) - Zeta Reticuli
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
This Tileset Layer is licensed under CC-3-SA (Share Alike), this means you are free to use the pack for commercial and non-commercial projects, royalty free, without crediting Galacti-Chron. You must credit Skorpio in order to use this tileset layer as well as for edits. Skorpio - Spaceship Construction Set 1 and 2:

What is that alien font based on?
Some characters look very similar to badges in alienware arena.
Oh, it's a font called "Zeta Reticuli". Can be found on Looks like Alienware arena used it too!
Wow, a great font.
But I have doubts about using it in oga submissions.
"My fonts are free for noncommercial use and are donationware for commercial purposes."
This font does not allow a commercial use.
I would recommend to remove it from this submission and also computers of the other.
I'll take a look if I can find a replacement alien font that does allow commercial usage.
EDIT: This public domain font could be interesting, even though the public domain itself is legally questionable
Um...This isn't for commercial use. the Kelvana Prime tileset is non-commercial use, I'm not selling it or making money on it, I am using the free resource within my game and giving credit.
I am not selling the font or re-using it in a commercial fashion. It has been significantly altered and used in a new creative work which is allowed.
I am also not uploading the font or any of those files directly, so it's also in compliance.
But hey if it's too scary I can draw some different symbols by hand and re-upload the file. didn't think some alien graffiti would be a big deal for a free tileset, I guess so.
Also you're incorrect as well about the commercial use, they do allow unlimited commercial use if you donate $20 to them, which I did (even though this font in this tileset isn't a commercial product because I'm not selling it, I'm giving it as a small piece of a larger set).
Attached you will find the receipt.
Also here's the terms of use on his website if you don't believe me:
"After making your donation you have the nonexclusive, nontransferable, perpetual and worldwide right to use the font for unlimited commercial purposes and in any medium (print, online, commercial, merchandise, logos, etc.)
The only prohibition is on selling the font as a font (as opposed to a game application that has the font within it). "
I will not be taking down the files since there's nothing wrong with them and no violation. Following the license to the letter as well from the original copyright holder and sick of being treated like a thief even when I prove that I'm allowed to use it. I've gone above and beyond here.
The problem is that CC-BY-SA 3.0 allows commercial use.
Somebody could download this and use it in a commercial game according to the license you have given, but that would violate the license given for the font.
And since buying a license is "nontransferable", a donating doesn't change that situation.
I'm not saying that you are thieving. It's just about implications of the license, one wouldn't think of immediately.
And I could be totally wrong, that could fall under fair-use or whatever, I'm just cautious (and maybe a bit paranoid).
Actually it doesn't violate the license because this tileset is a new creative work, and it's not commercial.
The license clearly says that you can sell anything that has the font in it (which means I can give it out for free), as long as it's not JUST the font.
If I have graffiti and used the font though, it's all cool. It's ok if people use my tilseset in their commercial game if they want.
Please read the license terms, which clearly states:
"The only prohibition is on selling the font as a font (as opposed to a game application that has the font within it"
This is a tileset that has the font in it, totally cool, I'm not selling the font as just a font and not even selling the tileset, even though that would be totally allowed too since I paid the $20 donation in compliance with their expanded license terms.
So we're all cool now right? Sorry if I seem like a dick but I clearly am within the terms of the license. Thank you for the Computer console by the way!
Initially I was just curious about the font. Well it's a cool font.
I did not recognize it as grafitti, so I saw some potential risk comming from that part and did not see any benefit in leaving it in the submission.
I'm not sure if this license is compatible with creative commons or not, I'm not a lawyer, I don't know.
But somebody could take your submission, extract the characters and make it into a font and sell it ... according to cc-by-sa 3.0 (and every license offered on this platform) that should be totally legit.
And I really don't know if it's a license transfere or not to put this under a creative commons license, I just would've avoided that, because I do not understand it.
I'm not an admin, I'm not taking down anything.
It's all right.
Well if I'm allowed to sell the tileset then I could obviously give it out for free as well right?
They could take the letters out, and make their own TTF file, but that's on them, not on me. Also they wouldn't have a complete font set if they carefully reconstructed it from scratch, because I don't even have all the letters in my alien graffiti.
I'm allowed to sell and license the tileset as my own business, then this new creative work would be under a new license basically, but not the original font itself.
The license terms say that the ONLY restriction is that you can't release the font separately as "just a font". Which makes total sense.