New potential art for FLARE
I created some isometric buildings, tried to make them as much flare compatible as possible.
I also created these isometric crystals some weeks ago.
My plan is to create some more art that can be used in the flare game soon.
Flare uses CC-BY-SA 3.0 as its art license. There may or may not be some issues using older/newer versions of this license. Can you link some of the models here?
im not too sure on overall license: (because its newer)
only on scketfab; regarding all other models they seem to have been automatically updated to wathever 3.0
i started working on trees (these are not all, some are not there yet)
Oh those look nice, especially the "autumn" ones.
an update on my trees - I still work on them.
Beginning with the renders very soon. I think the finished pack is coming next weekend, maybe some days before...
There are new trees too. Trees with a red star are self made, using the sapling addon and taking my hours...
I finished the trees now:
I am making a break now (a month or so), then I want to make a new grassland tileset fitting with the new style.
You did not use the new houses in that map yet, is there a reason???
From my previous post:
I might use some of the buildings as additional set-pieces for this map, but I still have plans for 3 more maps. So I don't want to burn through all the assets right away.
Hi guys, just dropped in real fast for a question; Dorkster, are you planning to use any of the material from the unnamed mod(i think that was the name)? it did have a lot fresh models, like horses, giant spiders and new enemies, its a shame if it remains wasted and forgotten.
We've already used a few of the resources from that mod, such as the hobgoblin, the modified skeletons, and a few of the spell effects. We add assets if they make sense for our game, so there's the possibility we'll pull some more from that mod.
I work on a replacement for the current grassland tileset
Stopped in to see what you have been up to rubber duck nice work on the cave entrance looks great!!
Got hit with Danimal and Dorkster taking over your post.
Not to be a dbag but come one guys show so curtsey and start your own thread.
I will follow that one as well as I'm sure others would as well especially if your a isometric lover as I am
You guys have some great stuff I'm also interested in and it deserves its own thread as well.
I'm sure Rubberduck doesn't mind and he would probably not say anything but still.
You guys need a voice of your own.... or thread.
PS not trying to be rude so don't take it that way. as I said b4 I'm interested in both topics.
I almost finished the new grassland tileset. Currently this is only a basic grassland tileset, more things like a path, different ground or water is coming later...
Also I am not sure about the size of the rock walls compared to my new buildings or trees and other plants. The brightness of some plants could be adjusted too...
It looks really good!
My portfolio site
Flare Project thread
I finally finished the tileset now:
Great work! I know you used the word "replacement", but I would probably keep both grasslands in the game. Yours would be used for some of the new maps. A couple of reasons why:
Critique: Maybe this is just me, but I think the grass is too "vibrant". If this is supposed to be autumn (based on the trees), wouldn't the grass be more dried out and patchy? Maybe some tiles of exposed dirt could also alleviate this.
I thought it as a replacement for the future, maybe a whole new mod, that only uses HD graphics (128x64), if I am right, the original grassland is only for a 64x32 grid.
More variation is planned too, for example more grass types, brown dirt or paths (dirt path, cobble)
Water is missing too and will be added in the future.
There are also corners that are 1x1, I extended the tileset with wide rocks to add more variation, It is possible to make a map with only 1x1 tiles.
Oh, I somehow missed the 1x1 corner tiles. Disregard my original comment, then.
I work on new ground tiles (planned are 8 ground types with 20 variations each and transitions) compatible with old flare tilesets and new tilesets in doubled resolution
Nice. That's more variation than I was expecting!
I finished another variant, my grassland tileset had only 8 different tiles (I didn't focus too much on ground, in the middle of the image are these older tiles again). This wasn't enough for me... It was already my idea to split the work of making more types of ground from the grassland tileset.
Also: any idea when a next flare version is coming out???
Today! However, this release is 99% engine updates with no new game content. I just haven't had the time to sit down and work on Flare stuff lately.
the tiles are finished, only the transitions are missing now...
the ground tiles including transitions are finished now, there is only a small issue with the sand transition. The final submission is coming in the next days...
Hi @Dorkster, I have your question regarding your new 256x256 "open world" map. I am assuming that you are going to populate this large area with monsters so that it isn't so much empty space. In this case I was wondering if you have a solution to keep monsters from chasing the player into the town areas where the NPCs (presumably) are. It would be weird for me to see all the townsfolk just looking on indifferently while you are being mauled to death by a pack of goblins lol.
My portfolio site
Flare Project thread
@Ateo88 We already have a few NPCs in monster populated areas that remain indifferent to the player being attacked. The easiest solution is to just keep this behavior. The effect could even be lessened by keeping enemy spawns far away from the towns (makes sense; why build a settlement right next to monsters?).
However, the ideal solution would be to make it so that NPCs could attack back:
You can make walled cities and put some guards at its doors with Hp, ect... as you said before; theres a pretty good one from the alpha demo:
Also, i will be making new versions of some enemies, but only if they will get used. I would love your input about then.
Sorry for crashing your thread yet again Rubberduck
I have planned to start my own mod in a "few" weeks, using only HD art, it started as the idea to "convert" the current campaign with HD stuff, but maybe start a new campaign. But first I want to test all my assets a bit more, how they are working together...
great stuff man! how long do such assets take you to make in general? im gonna start to make my own assets soonTm (new to blender and 3d stuff in general)
I think the game would benefit greatly from HD, at the curret times any potato pc could run it, and the extra download weigth wouldnt be that bad. Keep us posted about that.
Hi Zimtente, actually Flare assest can be pretty easy depending of what you want to do. I suggest you pick something thats already there, modify it and learn with it and then tackle something more nasty like tilesets or the like.
I planned to start in 3 - 5 weeks, as I work on a few other things now (like my godot puzzle game called "duoban" or the sword seen in the attachment, based on my own design concept)
For flare I want to begin with something like a HD demo (like the alpha demo) with my new graphics. This also helps me to know what assets are needed or adjusted to work well together. Later I can start to build a real playable campaign out of it, maybe even convert to or recreate the current campaign with only HD assets.
For assets, I created this resource pack in the past, it contains some basic stuff that is useful for creating assets, including a basic render setup and materials that can be used on other objects.
Another way is to use freely licensed 3D assets to make assets for flare, like I did for this pack:
Thats is a pretty nice objective, i would vote on starting a new campaign, since the current one is already finished and not that great. Something darker and more mature would be nice since current one lacks narrative and the objective is quite meh; or a cheerful one, anything goes i guess.
You can ask me for help if you need it for making variants of enemies or the odd model.
I am not the character artist type and want to focus mainly on environment first, but I need characters / enemies too where I need help...
Just ask then, im not that great but i can help, the worse of all is animating, thats the reason why i prefer to modify existing ones.
Hello everyone!
I recently came across the Flare Project and as a 3D Artist and fan of both the art style and the genre I've decided to contribute in my spare time.
I've started making a new tileset of an interior. The current tileset contains around 60 individual tiles. I've rendered each in 256x512 and made a map in Tiled. Since I'm not a programmer but an artist, this is about as far I can make it.
What is still needed to finish this tileset? And when I upload it what licence should I use?
this tileset looks good already.
For licensing use CC0 if you don't need / want attribution and the most freedom for other users. But I don't know if you have used stuff created by others (like textures or models). You need to be sure that you can publish it under a free / open source license.
I also would upload the source files, this allows others easily to extend or adjust the tileset.
Thanks, I've just uploaded it here:
If any futher tiles or changes are needed to make it usable with Flare just tell me.
Some of these new houses that have been created are gorgeous, a complete work of art. How hard would it be to make these modular? I am guessing in Flare you cannot actually enter the houses, they are mainly for just visual purposes or am I wrong? When I say modular I am referring to making the individual pieces into tiles so they can be snapped together to make different sized buildings. If the pieces were modular you could make the roof portion go into a top layer and when the player entered the building the top layer would disappear, much like the way it worked in Ultima Online.
@reefcrazed: Here's Clint's tiles for making modular medieval buildings:
@rubberduck: Great stuff!
Yeah I saw his work on the modular buildings earlier today. They are not really enterable though, which is fine because they do look great and serve their own purpose.
Ah, I see what you mean. You want buildings sort of in the style of Diablo 2. That can be done with FLARE, you would need at least 2 images (one for the roof and one for the interior), and you would make a .txt file that controls when each of them shows on the screen. It would be dependant on an event, and the event itself would activate when the player steps in/out. If I remember correctly, the attribute is called mapmod, followed by the x and y coordinates for the tile to be replaced. This is how the tiles for the teleporters work (they are grey when they haven't been activated, and then they glow with blue runes once they have been activated)
Hey! Your new grasslands tileset ins awesome. I am trying to make a map w it but I keep running into an issue of the walls overlapping... Specifically the black hidden sides of the wall frequently overlap
Is there any version of the tileset without the black hidden sides of walls, so I don't run into this issue?
Also, I'm using an Android app called "not tiled"
It is basically the same as tiled editor
But here is an example of the problem... Changing the render order just reverses the problem
this may be caused by the wrong render order used in your app, there should be an option in the editor to change this. Maybe you need to set this when creating a new map / file.
I have tried every render order, left down, right down, right up, left up. Changing the render order fixes the tiles that look messed up in the screenshot but messes up the ones that were normal looking. I don't get what I'm doing wrong.
The only solution I can think of is to create a new layer for each wall section so they don't overlap... But then ill end up with tons of layers