Outdoors Tileset
Thursday, January 30, 2020 - 16:13
Art Type:
Unfinished 32x32 outdoors tileset made around 2008 with the RPG Maker XP program specifications in mind. Contains 3 autotiles; one for water with a simple two frames animation, one for a dirt/sand path and one for dark grass. It includes a door character set that was meant to be animated ingame with 4 frames.
This is the guide I followed when I made this tileset, for anyone interested:
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Original version by gonvalhector.

Are you working on another tileset right now?
Wow. This is a remarkably faithful homage to the RPG Maker XP style. How were these made? What parts were used as inpsiration or guides?
I remember following a japanese tutorial at the time, where I pretty much just followed the images. Let me see if i can find it and I'll post the link in the description and in a reply.
BTW is there any way to directly reply to a comment?
I don't think you can. The messages must be linked somehow, but they just add up visually. However, the person concerned by your response will be informed.
I remember last year when there was news of a new updated website, but nothing since then...
@Ivan Voirol
Well, I guess this'll do for now then. I'll update with a link when I find the tutorial I mentioned to @MedicineStorm.
Thanks for replying.
But they are all made from scratch, correct?
Yes, all from scratch.
BTW found it!
Had to look in the web archive for the actual page since it redirects you now. I remember following the third part specifically for this tileset, but the whole thing is a gem.
Will update the description with the link. (UPDATE: I did but its not showing the link, this site is throwing me for a loop.)
@Ivan Voirol
Weird, I'm pretty sure I replied to your question. But no, right now I'm not, I would like to though. I just have to figure out how to make tilesets that people not using RPG Maker can easily adapt.
Sometimes edits don't take if you don't enter any revision notes or if "create new revison" is not checked. Try adding the url to the description one more time and include a quick note in the Revision Log Message section.
Thanks, will do.