Spell 4 (fire)
Monday, May 11, 2009 - 18:06
Art Type:
- 3D Quake Mod
- AK Game Audio
- Dark Sci-fi Sound Effects
- game music
- Generic SFX Collection
- Glittering Light Audio
- Godot Wild Jam #73
- lpc Sounds
- Luna Cross
- Magic Sounds
- Music and Sound
- Music and soundfx for a 3d action rpg
- My First Unity Project Assets
- Plan - OGA Summer Game Jam 2023
- Sound Effects and Fanfares
- Sound FX
- sounds
- Sounds for Open Dungeons
- TrapSprung
- Used - OGA Summer Game Jam 2023
- Vagabond's assets
I'll be using this sound effect for this graphic: http://opengameart.org/content/fire-spell-explosion
So many license for that swoosh.
I just asked this for another sound of yours: I consider using this, could you provide the source?
The machine (and hard drive) that I generated this sound on are dead, so no. Even if they weren't, I used FL studio to make this sound, so unless you own it along with the exact plugins I used to make it, it wouldn't do you a lot of good.
If you're asking for the source because this sound is GPLed, I should point out that the GPL is a poor fit for media files and I only selected it because at the time there were some projects that only accepted GPLed art for the sake of licensing consistency (Wesnoth comes to mind, although I don't know if that's still the case).
I'm going to go ahead and add CC-BY and OGA-BY as allowable licenses for this.
Thank you for the additional licenses. I believe the original CC-BY-SA would have been sufficient for me to use the sounds, but it is always better to have more options.
Me asking for the source had several reasons. Determining whether I can actually redistribute under the GPL licenses was only one of them. Another one is that building upon the work (except for a few trivial operations) requires the source in the same way as it does for programs.
> the GPL is a poor fit for media files
I agree that the wording of the GPL makes it clear it was originally intended to be applied only to programs. But I disagree if you imply that the source requirement does not make sense for media files.
I think I will use these sounds for now but replace them eventually.
One more request: Would you be so kind as to provide a written license grant? The reasons for me asking are detailed in http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/on-the-importance-of-citable-license-g...
I used this in my apple game Lasso snake.
All the attributions are in Credits section.
Hello, I used your assets in my game. You can play it here http://hellwalker-games.com/
Can I use this sound in a personal, very short project - for job application? I will ref you and send you the link of course. :)
Used your sound for this project
I used this asset in my free Tower Defense game: