Fighting character template Mustermann 2 ( A001AAAA001 ) (karate)
Both previews are animated, i failed to understand why only one of the 2 displays the label This template represents the frames to create a wide array of fighters or thugs, it resumes the actions seen in various videogames, movies or in real world, since it comes from a 3d model, is composed by Race+Character A001 (the inner name of this model is Anthony Nagasaki, the A means he's human.) Costume AAA Original race + Fighting style A001 (To a certain degree alien fighting style can be applied to humans and vice-versa) Plus there are 2 separate files, one right handed (front to the camera), and the other left handed, (back to the camera) this set is complete, each of the 2 gifs has 997 cels, and they are more than enough to create dozens of different characters, with the other characters and costumes, coming soon. In future it will be possible to combine more characters with more fighting styles, but to begin i'll realize some classic characters and costumes, the code i explained above will allow to request a particular character doing a particular fighting style among the ones listed. Let me know if you need a mute spritesheet in PNG format.

Hey there can I please have a png sprite sheet of the two gifs? My email is thanks so much
Hello, Manryan, i just updated the file with the files you requested, you can download them here.
Thank you, just seeing this now but i already divided it up myself and have a proper game going. I was really wondering if i could get my hands on the 3d model and animations, also if you could explain to me how you render the models in this pixel art style? Thanks again for your lovely art.
Hey man was wondering how you rendered your 3d model like this. Appreciate it
Here you will find some simple tutorials, to turn a cartoon style rendering into a proper cartoon via controlling the palette. Not to boast but some solutions are a matter of instinct gained by experience.
But with DazStudio it could be made easier by removing all lights and textures, (including the trasparency maps and bump maps), give well defined colors (like the eight combinations FF0000, 00FF00, FFFF00 ) to the surfaces, and then create a palette with a ramp for each color in the model.
By example the ramp for FF0000 (Bright red) should be like
and so on, as you can see in the first image
when you convert that image and force in such palette, the colors won't get mixed, if you removed all textures and lights, and you can modify the palette ramp by ramp, as you can see in the second image.
If you download DazStudio you might have to learn about how materials (in that program ar called "surfaces" work)