Verlaine Byron for RPG maker MV
This is a new standard for RPG maker sprites, i did some, i'll publish them soon, but i didn't draw appropriate tilesets for this scale, yet. Because of the peculiar proportions, i deemed the animations require 6 frames instead of the canonic 3 or 4, so to implement this in an RPGmaker product, the application will require plugins from this page. the sprite must be renamed, with the inner name you want to give to the character (in the following example: "Byron") followed by %(6) Byron%(6).png Also, the white space on the right and on the bottom of the sprite has been left purposely, the RPG maker engine expects to cut and render on screen 1/24 of the width and 1/8 of the height, if you simply load the sprite into an RPGmaker mv game (with the appropriate plugins) and rename it properly, it should work fine.

Hello! Thanks for the submission.
Unfortunately, the anime-style face might need to be edited out. :( As far as I see, they are based on RPG Maker MV's character generator, and graphics from RPG Maker MV come with strings attached: you can use them in RPG Maker programs only, according to the RPG Maker's license.
Of course, other, original graphics, is still OK. But the anime-style face is not what OGA would accept. Maybe you can host the MV-based face somewhere else and add a link in the submission description.
@Puffolotti: do you have any additional information on how the last portrait image was created?
Thank you for the information, and sorry for the late answer, In truth i didn't read MV's license.
I had stuff to do in the last months, and i'm still busy, but i'll edit it out A.S.A.P.
@Medicine Storm
The last portrait image was indeed made with some RPG maker autocomposition tool, as i said to Demetrius, i didn't knew that such portraits aren't common creative licensed, Sorry for any inconvenient.
I think i succesfully removed it from the file; i can't see the result from my PC.
Let me know if i didn't manage to swap the file..
I take this opportunity to apologize for my absence, due to the current situation in real world i kinda neglected art publication.
the sprites i kinda promised are in my faithful hard disk, but i never found the energy to edit and indicize them.
Looks good. Thanks!
Thank you!