Komato invasion (Sorry for the upcoming flood)
Hello, i apologize in advance for 2 reasons.
First one, i don't know if this is the right place to inform the comunity about my current project, about monsters for DooM-like FPS inspired by Daniel Remar's aliens.
This batch will be HUGE. I'm not saying this to boast or such, what i'm saying is that i foresee to create over 400 classes of monsters for sci-fi and some other for fantasy/medieval, i organized my work for speed, flexibility, quick organization and i think i succeeded to a satisfactory degree.
What i really wanted to say is, i put a lot of effort in optimizing and nesting the publication of the cels in a way that wouldn't invade with different sprites whose preview may look identical as if i published twice the same.
I guarrantee that the entries are different sprites, altough the fact every bodytype of a class will be provided with all the frames for the whole class* makes the preview images for a class look very similar.
The components of a class will contain an indication on how they are perceived within the class, but that won't be visible in the previews...
Every class is a whole group of different characters condensed in a shotoclone (Such as karate cretins in street fighter or ninjas in mortal kombat) And this is the core of my embarassment, Since they are aliens in full armor they won't be as different from each other as Zangief is to chun li or E.Honda is to Sagat.
When the other classes beside komato berserkers and devastators will be published, the concept that every class represents different soldiers will be much clearer.
here some classes
Untill that moment comes (it'll take a couple days) i apologize again for what right now, by the preview files looks like a shower of identical twins.
I beg for a little patience, this batch will be immense and without levels of nesting in the collections i don't see a better way to group the belligerant classes
The good news: it will be an impressive shower of sprites for Doom 2, either sci-fi and medieval including other than fierce soldiers also lot of different unarmed civilians, doctors, sailors, politicians and so on. with over 800'000 cels planned, half of them already rendered... I'm afraid that for a couple weeks Opengameart will turn into "The puffolotti show".
Later there will be the tasen, the humans, with a similar amount of options.
*As if Zangief was provided with shoryuken or E.Honda with 100 kicks and every street fighter had the unique frames of all the fighters.
"show off your project" may be the more relevant forum, but this is fine too. I would recommend uploading large packs as one submission with many previews. Giant cohesive sets tend to get more attention than multiple submissions with similar content.
If you must upload them as several individual submissions for some reason, i would ask that you space them out over several days, otherwise it floods the front page and buries all other submissions.
Looking forward to seeing all the new content! :)
--Medicine Storm
Thank you for the answer. Bury or push back other artists is the thing i want to avoid.
There could be a little problem with levels of nesting,
from "race" to "type", to "rank", to "class", to "monster"
(And i foresee for some ranks to have both sci-fi and fantasy/medieval version)
Ranks of Armored soldiers have got only one class, i'll publish the remaining 10 berserkers by "monster" as i did with the first 6, making sure there aren't 3 entries at the same time in the first eight on the front page, then i'll try and group by "class" as you suggested.
Is there a limit about the number or total weight of files in an entry? I know the limit of a single file is 200 MB, but...
The picture below represents 1 frame from each monster in 2 classes of "sailors" a class might weight up to 2 GB, altough i might consider to separate classes that big into parts...
I'll do my best to comply, and stay reassured i'll refrain myself from overflowing the front page.
but believe me, i'm not bragging for no reason, when i'll say this project is gonna be HUGE i to me clear that if i don't group the monsters into classes it will take years to publish it :D
Ook, while i'll be publishing the berserkers at a reasonable pace i'll think about how to organize the other classes, ranks, types...
There is no victory. There is no defeat. There is just work to do.
Also, forgot to mention... i'll provide a smaller version of the classes (2-4 bodytypes) obtained by other render engines, As seen in the picture below, the first 2 are the sprites i'm publishing those days, other 2 are the alternate versions.
Since those version will have smaller classes, they will be surely all nested 1 whole class for entry
There is no victory. There is no defeat. There is just work to do.
Correct, there is a 200 mb limit per file, but you can have multiple .zip files per submission.
--Medicine Storm
I had the time and the energy to log in into opengameart just today, i'm sorry for the delay after i promised a shower of ugly, bad and muscular komato warriors, sailors, scientists, the raw renders are in my hard disk, but in those troubled months i didn't find the time or the energy to edit them, A.S.A.P. i'll get back to work on this project.
There is no victory. There is no defeat. There is just work to do.