Universal Prototype for scrolling beat 'em up
This set contains 3150+ cels
The first preview lists all the cels, the next 3 show examples of characters that can be built with those sprites. Regretfully no running action with arms crossed or behind head came to my mind, it is possible that in next release i'll add them.
It might be a little confusing, due to the size, but as seen in the previews, it allows a great deal of customization.
Using some of those cels it is possible to create strikers, wrestlers, brawlers, boxers... The last preview shows some of the stand still actions present in this spriteset.
As you can guess by the title, the guy in this file is a base, i'll create more chars with different costumes, hairstyles and bodysizes.
I' planning to use this model to create a wide array of possible foes, just like i'm doing with the komato army.
I hope i can add more crouching cels, proper fireball throws and more neutral actions in the next files, without my computer catching fire.
As usual i published both the spritesheets and the GIF sequences, in case you find one confusing, the other might help in finding the exact cels you need. As seen in the last preview, it is possible to create different foes or players with the same model.
There are some green dots, they might become a problem if a very specific palette editing is attempted.
Those characters might need some polishing, but i decided not to edit all the 3000+ cels, because it would be easier for who wants to use them to edit just the cels they need to create a character.
I think a character for a beat em up requires 30 to 100 cels, and it shouldn't be hard to kill the green dots on fraction of the spritesheet.
To minimize the jigsaw effect from rendering without anti-aliasing i rendered the sprites in 200% scale and resized them with the algorithm rot-sprite of Aseprite, but i'm releasing the original renders as well in case someone wants to edit them or rescale with other filters or algorithms.
Note: i already tried to publish this, i'm afraid i messed up something, when i realized the labels in the previews were invisible. I'm afraid it might happen a double submission, if that's the case this is the correct submission.

Note: there are some repeated stand-by actions, about the blow, for some of them i put 2 or more methods of execution, and extra cels to personalize charging, explosion and return, according to different martial arts or personalities, in order to allow to create fighters more technical or more brutal.
I still wonder why this is 2D and not 3D
I don't have the licenses to release the 3d models i used.
Honestly i don't see the point in creating my own models, in future i might consider releasing the action files, but i don't know how useful they might be, since they are posed to look "hopefully" good only from one or 2 sides.
Ah, okay that makes sense.
But it's allowed to create images with those models?
Yes, it is in the license of DazStudio, wich, i remind, is free.
I think while these could be useful as game assets, I think they would be much better when used as reference/basis for pixel art sprites drawn on top. Really cool!