Bad Company assorted military thugs. (Universal Prototype 2 for scrolling beat 'em up or MUGEN)
5370+cels for each character.
Soo, you know the gist, like Capcom's Final fight or Sega's golden axe: Our heroes must storm military barracks, and some soldiers are there to make the game funny.
Here i'll publish some generic soldiers, that can be used either for gameplay or background decoration.
Of course, by changing the palette each model can be used to create more characters with similar bodytype.
One of the preview gifs showcase all the 5370+ cels, they are the same for all the templates, before talking about render methods or costumes, the names in the group images, wich are more or less arbitrary, should help to find the correspondent spritesheet or sequence among the attached files. (Leon and some more friends coming soon)
Of course the palettes are just a suggestion and can be changed.
The first batch is kinda cartoonish base.
NOTE: After the computer finished rendering i noticed a quite ugly poke trough, between the T.Shirt and the trousers.
I'm pretty sad, but i decided, for the first 14 chars that it wouldn't be hard to correct, and i'll correct the sprites that i'll use for selections.
I'll correct the issue for the next thugs in this entry, but the idea of re-sampling the first batch make my hands weight a ton. Sorry for the extra-work, but after all those sprites are a base.
In the second batch (OpenGL) the characters have got indexed palettes, created by OpenGL, but as you can see they looks much more "dramatic". By fiddling a little with the first 3 ramps of the palette it should be possible to make them look like photos, kinda like the first 3 mortal kombat or pit-fighter. By grouping the colors it shouldn't be difficult to turn them to 31+1 or 15+1 colors.
I created for the first entry, Stonewall (available in both cartoonish and Iray) a selection of about 300 cels, called "selection". Those files are, as the name suggests a selection taken from the complete template that allows to create at least a complete character for a scrolling beat em up.
I made that to explain what a selection is. If you find the 5370+ spritesheet confusing (Not to boast, but i find it scary myself XD) Let me know if you need selections from other characters, if is something simple, like name-generic vibe or combat style i would comply ASAP.
Today i published a selection for Jones, this evening i'll correct the poke-trough on the T-Shirt. If you want said selection but you aren't sure about how to correct the poke-troughs, i'll let you know that in few hours i'll release the corrected version.
IMPORTANT:I was working on a selection for Kelly, i messed up her palette. for now i'll leave the wrong file there. "Invalid Palette" doesn't mean that isn't usable, is indeed a complete character, but if you want to add moves from the bigger spritesheet, there might be discrepancies if you change the palette. Sorry for any inconvenience.

They look very well animated, well done dude!
Thank you, but stay tuned, this is only the beginning, this is going to be immense.
Sorry for pulling your sleeve, but my brain is mush and i'm as happy as a little kid. I must say to shout: Over 100'000 univoque cels!!! (well, there are still some more ten thousands to go. The size of this submission is something else!)