which tileset format should I include/demo in Mini Micro?
I'm finishing up Mini Micro version 1.0 soon, and that includes finalizing the built-in assets and demos. I want to include a general-purpose tile set suitable for making mazes, islands, etc.
Research on that led me to this nice blog post on different tileset formats. He describes several options:
- Marching squares: 16 tiles selected by solid/empty corners (aka Wang 2-corner tiles)
- Blob: 47 tiles selected by solid/empty centers (with some rules about when to consider corner neighbors)
- Sub-blob (aka TileA2): 21 subtiles, each like a quadrant of a blob tile
- Micro-blob: 13 subtiles, basically same as sub-blob but throwing out duplicates.
But how to choose? Anybody have any strong arguments in favor of one of these?
Here at OGA, is one format more popular than the others? Does anybody have a curated list, or know an appropriate search keyword, for finding tilesets in just one of these formats?
After more thinking & playing around, I think I'm going to demo Wang 2-corner (called Marching Squares in the blog post above). It seems like a generally useful format, as good for grass/rock terrain textures as it is for Pac-Man mazes.
Now I just need to find (or make) a nice collection of tilesets in this format!
Here are the two-corner Wang tiles I came up with, suitable for prototyping, use as a template, or as-is for Pac-Man style mazes: https://opengameart.org/content/clean-2-corner-wang-tileset