Mortis and Tenon Table
62 polys (quads). All texure images are 1024x1024. Includes diffuse, specular, normal and ambient occlusion for all three versions. Note: the ambient occlusion is identical for all three but has been included in each zip file for convenience. All source images for the textures are taken from my personal library.
Old-dirty is the first version created. It's been sitting in the back of a pub for generations. Layers of unidentifiable detritus permiate it's surface.
Weathered version has been outside, exposed to the elements for years. The burning sun has bleached it white and repeated rainstorms have left it warped and cracked.
Rough is how it appeared when it was first constructed. It needs sanding to remove the kerf marks left by the saw blade, but it's good enough for the peasants.

I love examining the details of finely finished low-poly models. Great work!
I love it :)