Battle Theme B for RPG

Also check out my Battle Theme A, which is quite a bit better production than this one, but this one is fun too and has a nice harpsichord progression in the middle, lol.
This is for my game Pixelsphere
My game and soundtrack are 100% free -- there's over 50 great songs on the soundtrack, plus I have more fun trance/ambient music on for free --- you can stream it on my website anytime with the built in player.
I also made 40 Sonic The Hedgehog remixes in trance/ambient style you can stream them or download all of them free:
Please contact me if you use my music, I'd love to see your project and give you a shoutout on my website! Much of the music on you may use for free in your game if you contact me for permission and join my mailing list:

Fun fact: The Timpani in this song were a joke I thought it was funny to play on them and see if I could just have timpani everywhere. I got the idea from Warcraft 2 soundtrack with the orc soundtrack here: maybe Glenn Stafford thought it was funny too at the time.
You do a lot of good work! A lot of instruments and nuances, and I'm loving these battle themes! Thanks so much for providing this to the community!
Thx, used your music in a humble toilet paper shooting game.
Game Link:
Perfect boss battle music.
I've included this asset in the AnyRPG Engine. Its been featured in a YouTube livestream at and you've been added to both the in-engine credits, and the credits at
Great music! <3
I just use in a trailer for an asset pack that I'm selling on itchio.
The video:
I will use it for my game : The forgotten World (2D rpg) for the Souls Boss fights (Enemies like Esper of final fantasy)
Not a game, but used it for an animation project of mine. Thank you for making such a great tune available CC0!
Do you have a non lossy version of this, such as .wav ?