Low-poly base-meshes (male & female)
Saturday, January 14, 2012 - 18:01
Art Type:
Base-meshes ment for easy modification into realtime game meshes primarily for FPS game characters.
Should be also somewhat usable as a base for sculpting or sub-d highpoly modeling (mostly quads and proper edge-loop topology).
Comments for further improvements welcome :)
V1.2 Major updates to the female mesh

female's got some odd proportions there
i'll see about this
Yeah... somethings a bit strange about the shoulder/topmost torso area... but I can't quite figure it out... case of "staring too long at it" I guess.
Edit: Oh and... yes no anime proportions :p
ok made some smaller changes to the female mesh.
It more or less fits perfectly to the loomis drawn reference btw. so it's more of a realistic 1930 female figure proportions ;)
[troll comment deleted by admin]
Anon, I examined the edge loops for both and they're different models.
Yeah totally different models (I have never even seen that one before).
btw, expect an update on the female mash soon... I finanlly fixed the strange shoulder area and did some other general cleanup on the mesh.
Thank you very much that will come in most handy for building up my characters for my college corse ;)
Nice first model based on this:
Big thumbs up to thehumbug, I apologize what ever grief the bad female shoulderarea has caused ;)
Ok female mesh updated. Still not perfect, but I think quite a bit better.
Could i change this mesh to create the characters for my iOS Game and just credit "Julius - Base 3d Character Mesh" :DD -PS AWESOME WORK
@anonymous: according to the license you have to publish your modifications with the same license. however, author might allow you to use the model with cc-by terms, which is exactly what you propose.
thanks...this will help my topograph on my own creations. Hope to make some and show you what I've done.