I am looking for engine to work on my CRPG game. Is Flare good enough for CRPG? Turn based stuff, like Fallout 1 and 2.
Or maybe unity, godot... what do you think ?
I am looking for engine to work on my CRPG game. Is Flare good enough for CRPG? Turn based stuff, like Fallout 1 and 2.
Or maybe unity, godot... what do you think ?
Did you mean a TRPG? Because flare is created for ARPG's in wich case a general purpose engine would serve you better. Here are some unity resources on the topic.
No, I mean CRPG, games like Fallout 1 and 2. Not Fallout:Tactics. TRPG is for tactical games, I want CRPG and it is also different from ARPG like |Diablo and Flare. Thanks for the links , I am checking them out now.
You'll probably need to specify what you mean by CRPG. All the games you've listed are CRPGs. Including Diablo and FLARE. Even Fallout: tactics is a CRPG. It is also a TRPG, sure, but that doesn't exclude it from the CRPG category. What features of Fallout 1 and 2 are you going for that diferentiate it from Diablo and FLARE?
--Medicine Storm
Indeed, the term CRPG is waay to broad and includes both TRPG and ARPG in it's definition, gotta be more specific.
Hm, I didn't know that. Well, I was thinking about specifically game like Fallout 1 and 2. With same mechanics. Whatever you call that genre :) So it is different from Diablo style games, it is slow pace, turn based combat, hexagonal fields, a lot more story driven etc... Can something like that be made in flare engine, or Unity... maybe there is engine specifically for classic fallout like games...?
Assume we haven't played classic fallout games. What "same mechanics"?
--Medicine Storm
I was thinking about Fallout 1 clone. Just different setting, story, graphics, characters... Map made of hexes, moving in hexes while in combat, action points, same character specs (strenght, inteligence, charisma...) ,the way how diologue is made, isometric view etc.
Hey, really like your project Utumno, just saw it. I will check it later in more detail, but looks very cool.
well the thing about fallout 1 & 2 is that even if they are not tactics games the combat pretty much is, from all the resources I linked before you should check TRPG maker and the series by the liquid fire the most.
This here is the best Inventory series I've seen
And this is the best dialogue one I've seen
There's also the courses (paid) by gamedevTV
this has pretty much everything you need except combat included. Great series, altough their dialogue system uses the old way to do graphs. The tutorial I linked before uses the more modern aproach. But I fully recommend this course if you master all they teach integrating grid based movement from the other tutorials should be relatively trivial.
Thank you so much @lobotomist
This is very helpfull! I will get on to it :)
I think that CRPGs in the strict sense are like Fallout, but also like the Infinity Engine games (Baldur's Gate series, Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale series), and also The Temple of Elemental Evil. For Infinity Engine style games, maybe you could check out GemRB: