Powers and distance traveled
For Powers and distance traveled, is this correct?
lifespan(ms) x speed / 1000 = tiles travelled
Lifespan(ms) Speed Distance Tiles
Thrown Axe 400 12 4800 4.8
Thrown Knife 533 12 6396 6.4
Goblin Spear 900 12 10800 10.8
Shoot Bow 533 24 12792 12.8
Yes, that's right.
So for a thrown weapons, speed 12, a slower speed looks better on screen than a faster speed.
The magic speed tends to be 16, is there a reason for this?
I quess extreme speeds are best not used, ie. less than 8 and greater than 24?
Generally speaking, yes. There's nothing wrong with slow speeds, but they probably won't look right for most powers. But I could imagine a slow-moving magical orb that could use a speed < 8.
The problem with extremely fast speeds is that the power's hitbox may be moving so fast that it passes right "through" potential targets.
Also, another way of thinking of power speed is "the power will move X tiles per second, where X is the speed".