Free NES Music Pack
Monday, July 1, 2019 - 14:22
Art Type:

10 tracks created in Famitracker, and one made in DefleMask. Some of them may loop perfectly as is, some will need to be edited to loop. The Famitracker files are included so you can modify the tracks as you'd like. I unfortunately lost the DefleMask file for the track titled "nes_07-lost_blues"
The preview track is "nes_07-jazz" and is one of the better songs.

Very short preview but it sounds very nice, really capcom style sound design.
I'm listening to a shortened version of jazz all day, great track.
awesome, did you modify it yourself? and thanks!
(feel free to put it up on opengameart btw)
I just looped the first 14 frames.
Dang, I finally found this again.
It's bad when you have a bad gameboy port in deflemask lying around but neither remember what the original submission was nor it's license. I just called it 'jazz'
Hi! Thank you very much for this music! I used two of the songs as background music for a class project I made in Unity a few months ago. It's a small 1-bit game and your music fit it perfectly. This is the game:
Thanks a lot and have a nice day!