Menu Loops
Wednesday, November 24, 2021 - 05:19
Art Type:

Collection of short loops in different styles, which could be used for menu background music (especially menus displayed for a short time, such as between levels) or anything else you like. Not very musically adventurous but will hopefully come in useful to someone.
The preview file features a few examples and the zips contain the following, in ogg and flac formats:
Used in:
Crazy Marble
Spacebar Invaders
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Please just mention my username and this site. A link to my profile would be nice but it's not necessary.

Hey... The Swing one sounds familiar... have you played Quiplash?
No, I've never played Quiplash but have just looked it up. I found one piece that was swing-like, but didn't think it was that similar. It's quite a generic style, though, so I suppose you could consider it similar :-)
I really really love the two microtonal ones there.
Do you remember what is this scary choir in "menuLoops_microtonalEerie(17EDO)" ? I'd love to have it!
Also did you ever hear about ZIA (AKA Elaine Walker) ? I think you'll love her music.
Thanks very much for your comments on this and other pieces. Much appreciated :)
> Do you remember what is this scary choir in "menuLoops_microtonalEerie(17EDO)" ? I'd love to have it!
The patch is part of the default install of Yoshimi. It's in the Fantasy bank, patch 14, "Glass Voices". I think I probably only adjusted things like the ADSR and did some light filtering.
Yoshimi was originally a fork of ZynAddSubFX, so the same patch may be in there too.
FYI, the other patches are also in Yoshimi:
SynthPiano, patch 5, Synth Piano1
The_Mysterious_Bank, patch 70, sine_pad_3
Pads, patch 6, Square Pad 2
Noises, patch 33, Metal Sound 1
The_Mysterious_Bank, patch 133, strange_world
I can upload some MIDIs if you want to recreate any tracks and play around with them. Just let me know.
> Also did you ever hear about ZIA (AKA Elaine Walker) ? I think you'll love her music.
Yes, I have heard her stuff - it's very good. It's nice to have someone else on OGA who likes microtonal music. There probably aren't many of us :)
Oh hi! Looked around your soundcloud and all profiles, thought you weren't online anymore.
I never heard of that Yoshimi plugin, I tried to look into it but it seems to be Linux and I'm on PC :/
Sounds pretty similar to ZynAdd as you say though. This one too I've been trying so much to compile it on Windows (with windows-based instructions) but I didn't get anywhere so I eventually just abandonned it.. sucks.
> Yes, I have heard her stuff - it's very good. It's nice to have someone else on OGA who likes microtonal music. There probably aren't many of us :)
Oh yeah I definitely feel that as well. Maybe I should start uploading some microtonal music I made for some jam games. I am a newbie at music and composing for now but trying my best haha.
Will you be creating some new microtonal music soon?
Yes, I'm on GNU/Linux here and don't use any Windows stuff. Hopefully you'll manage to compile ZynAddSubFX one day, as it's really good and supports scala tuning files.
Thanks for sharing this! Wonderful music! I used this in my game Crazy Marble:
Thanks very much for letting me know. That's a great effort for 12 days of work :)
Thank you very much for sharing your music! I have used two of your songs for the main menu and game over menu of my new game. I've also credited you both in the in game credits and on the store page. If you're interested in checking it out, here is a link:
Very glad you found it useful and thanks for letting me know :)