Spell Checker Disabled?
I'm certain like most people here, I rely on a spell checker. I use Waterfox that has one built in however I am unable to use it on a number of sites including OpenGameArt. After a quick inspection of the code I found in the input boxes has the function set to spellcheck="false".
<body id="tinymce" class="mceContentBody " onload="window.parent.tinyMCE.get('edit-body-und-0-value').onLoad.dispatch();" spellcheck="false" dir="ltr" contenteditable="true">
Is there any reason for this? Having to edit the code client side to set this to true everytime is such a pain.
There is a reason for it; tinyMCE is way out of date and the spellcheck feature was contributing to some major security and site slowdown issues for many people. Until we're able to get the site upgraded, it's unlikely to be turned back on.
--Medicine Storm
Whilst I totally understand why from a security and performance point of view, it's a shame that this also disables Waterfox's internal spellchecker. I know it's the same with most other sites but as I said I found a workaround, it's just a pain having to edit the html each time.
Does it still disable your browsers spell check if you click "disable rich-text" below the text box?
--Medicine Storm
Well, you learn something new every day.
Never noticed the option to toggle rich-text and that does indeed resolve it!
I thought I had done a deep search a few years ago on this, no where did I find this simple solution. Now of course it could be I didn't look hard enough or over looked it... either way thank you.