Saturday, October 15, 2022 - 17:10
Art Type:

Took some time to experiment with this one. Intended to be used as a loop but I have also included it unlooped.
Possible variations forthcoming soon.
Strong influences and inspiration from Netflix's Stranger Things.

Wow - as big fan of ambient "dronezone" space music this is as good as it gets :)
Fantastic work !
Thanks :D
I really enjoy (and at the same time loath) how easily some tracks take shape in just a few days and then others that have remained half finished for years.
Awesome work dude! Love what you've done here.
I'm a massive fan of kinda chillwave/synthwave/ambient type stuff like this and you've really nailed that tense thriller like vibe of Stranger Things, keep up the great work!
Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback from folks.
It took some time to get the sound right but overall it feels like the track made itself.
Recently I've been working on a couple of new ideas and exploring sound design to keep things original and unique.
You're very welcome, as a producer myself I understand the struggle.
Sometimes I'm just not feeling it and working on a track gets sidelined because it's frustrating to come up with something unique and interesting.
Other times it just flows and I can make something in a week or a couple hours seemingly effortlesly.
It's strange how it just works like that sometimes.
Totally with you on the oddities of the creative process. Something were not supposed to understand I guess.
I once had a creative block that lasted for almost a year, frustrated me to the point where I became totally demotivated. Then earlier this year around Jan time I had a dream and bam, haven't stopped since. Couple of times I thought I had burnt myself out, now I realise I just need to take up music theory.
I've taken an interest making RNG and modular based music now, such a joy to work with.