24x32 Characters Lying Down
Useful for portraying characters who are asleep, knocked out, dead or sunbathing.
The lass on the bottom row is Lyuba by Svetlana Kushnariova a.k.a. Cabbit. The others are based on her big character pack. The Queen and the characters with the medium skin tone are in my extended version while the black characters are in a seperate black character pack because I made them later.
Putting this here because the Copyright/Attribution Notice field doesn't want to do separate paragraphs:
If you don't want to write up your own credit thing and just want something to copy-paste you can use this:
24x32 characters lying down (https://opengameart.org/content/24x32-characters-lying-down) is licensed under a Creative Commons
Atribution 3.0 License as well as a OGA-BY 3.0 license. It is based off 24x32 characters big pack and 24x32 heroine Lyuba by Svetlana Kushnariova
(lana-chan@yandex.ru), which are also licensed under a Creative Commons
Atribution 3.0 License and a OGA-BY 3.0 license.

They are great, all of them.
diamonddmgirl, thank you so much for your work. It's really great and I'm honored that you've used my graphics as a base. Actually when I see your works, I become more motivated to draw something myself.
Thanks a lot!
Thanks and you're welcome. I look forward to seeing what you'll make.
Would you be willing to do additional lying down sprites in all directions? N-S, S-N, E-W, & W-E?