2D Modified Dark Forest Tileset
Tuesday, February 4, 2014 - 19:15
Art Type:
As promised, I am releasing the modified Dark Forest Tileset created by Stephen Challener (Redshrike) that I used to create my game Candy Saga: Memory of the Candy Apple Scroll. The tileset allows the trees to blend into a black background.
Attribution Instructions:
Credit is optional for me, but you need to credit Redshrike for his original tiles by linking back to his tileset (http://opengameart.org/content/32x32-and-16x16-rpg-tiles-forest-and-some-interior-tiles).

Can you edit it so that the image doesnt have the candy please. Could you also create a separate image for the gnome he is really cool. Sorry i would do this myself but i have no graphics skills at all i'm strictly a programmer. Thanks.
I think you are looking at the preview image. If you click the link to download the file ' forest_tileset-32x32.png' you will get the tree tileset without any candy or fog.
As for the gnome, if I had to guess he probably comes from another set on this site, try searching for gnome.
@kgsb The gnome came from Glitch the Game assets that they publicly released. If you want just the gnome, you can download it.