3D LowPoly Spaceships and Components
Here are some simple 3D low poly spaceships I made for a little educational arcade space shooter, where you have to solve math problems in order to destroy enemy ships.
The game is called Captain Goldstar and available on PC (https://majadroid.itch.io/captain-goldstar) and Android (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.majadroid.CaptainGoldstar).
The ships are assemble from some general components. These components are included as well, so you can assemble your own ships. There are also some other small models, like a missile and a health box.
The zip-file includes three fbx-files withe the ships, components and some accessories, the original .blend file as well as the four texture files (as png).
If you wonder about the texture-choise: These are my own images. The technique I learned from Imphenzia.
Please leave a comment, when you use my ships. And feel free to leave a link to your project - I am really curious.

great work!
The Starfox 64 is strong with this one. Nicely done!
No intention to make them similar, but thank you! ;-)