512 Sound Effects (8-bit style)
Thursday, April 7, 2016 - 10:14
Art Type:
- 2D Pixels
- 3D Quake Mod
- 8 bit stuff
- A Jump N Collect Game - scouting
- Astar
- Audio FX
- bundle
- CC0
- CC0 Chiptunes
- CC0 Sound Effects
- Codescreep assets
- Cute Sisters Project Collection
- Emoji Invaders
- feb game
- FLYAssets
- FrostCrest - winter Jam 2022
- Frostcrest winter jam 2022 scouting
- Galactagirl
- game music
- gamedev-time
- GridnorT - MYSHMUP Game Jam Edition
- HellStar Assets
- Jim collections
- macis
- Match 3 Game
- NES Style
- OGA 8BIT Brawlers
- One Bullet
- OpenGameArt Spring 2020
- Phoenix Hunt
- Platformer Game
- Potential HTML5 RPG Assets
- Proto
- Resources
- Robbing Hood Art
- RPG::Audio::SFX
- Saliv's OGA Jam 2
- Saliv's Summer uOGA Jam 3
- Sara's Quest
- Scramble Clones
- Seeks' Collection of Cool Cuts
- SFX - ok for commercial use
- Shooter
- Solar
- Space Pirates 2
- Spring Jam 2021
- Thing game assets?
- UI_Audio_and_Graphics_Collection
- Winter 21 Game Jam
- You Make The Call
- [Airos] [CC0] SFX

Huge but neatly organized collection of 512 retro video game sound effects.
Thanks for listening!
![application/zip The Essential Retro Video Game Sound Effects Collection [512 sounds].zip](/modules/file/icons/package-x-generic.png)
These are awesome. Somebody needs to mix them into a full on 8-bit song! Your preview just had a groovy, driving retro beat all through it!
These are great! Thanks so much!
Está muy completo
Very nice !! Thx for sharing ;)
So, nice sounds really like them a lot, are there all for free to use in any projects, just to make sure or them, couse google these days check everything of the game with sounds, musics and everything.
It's CC0 license so you are free to do what ever you like with these sounds.
Also thank you all for the comments and favorites! I had fun creating this SFX pack, I hope you will find it useful.
Hi there! I am requesting for your permission to use your art/music/tileset/sound effect for a RPG. I look forward to your reply. To confirm your acceptance/denial, please contact me at roycelim578@gmail.com. Thank you in advance!
it's CC0 licence, you don't have to ask permission or even notify the artist. just use it.
I will use some of your assets on my next project
Thank you very mutch
amazing pack. I could rave to it just as it is let alone how useful each individual sound is. cheers
Hi, great sounds collection! I've credited you back for my entry to the #LOWREZJAM game jam. Thank you!
This is amazing! Can you make a ogg/m4a download? I want to get this to work with my RPG Maker MV project.
Love these effects. Planning to use them in a Space Invaders style game once I get to polishing it out. I'll leave a link to your account when I get it finished.
I finished the game I was working on, and your SFX are used in it. If you want to see it, it's here: https://github.com/sirsnowy7/skyshot
Thank you, this will help a lot.
Awesome preview!!
Really awesome preview, hahahah
Thanks, Man! You`re awesome!
I used these assets in my project:
Phaser 3 Tilemap & File Pack Project Template
Thanks for the Epic sound effects! I couldn't find anything that sounded right for my game, but then I found these, which are perfect! Thanks for making those! ... I just realized, why did I capitalize the e in epic in my first sentence? Whatever! Thanks for the sounds, and know you made someone's day!
Hi SubspaceAudio!
Your pack is super duper awesome. There is a lot of cool sound effects. If you are interested, I have used some of them for my game project here: https://kiel97.itch.io/ace-of-the-sky and here: https://kiel97.itch.io/snake
I used these sounds in my game:
Eternity Pilot
Very nice, thank you for sharing!
Thank you for making these great sounds! I used Jump_16 in one of my games. If you are interested, you can check it out on the App Store or Google Play.
@SubspaceAudio, These sounds fit perfectly into my game. Thank you so much for making them. If you'd like to check out the game, it's hosted on Game of the Month. Even though it's CC0, I added you to the credits page.
Thanks for sharing! I use the sound fx in my little game:
Greetings! I just wished to inform you I'm using a couple of sound effects from this pack in a game I'm developing (it's still in an early prototype state).
Thank you so much for allowing us to use your works, please keep up the good work! ^w^
Huge sample pack:) I want to try to recycle some deaths and injuries for my game
i would like to use this in a platformer game I'm making :)
Here is a link to my github repo: https://github.com/Mo-Official/DHBW_python
I dont have my Project up yet but Ill post it when I do! thanks for releasing this pack its fantastic!
Hey! Just wanted to let you know that I made a game using your sound effects!
Here it is!
@SubspaceAudio Thank you for these sfx / loops. I'm using them in my game Warp Dropper which can be played here https://play.unity.com/mg/other/webgl-warpdropperv2-20211216.
Realy nice , thank you for the Sounds
Thank you!
Hey! I will definetly be using this! Right now I don't have a name for the project, and im still working on a concept. but these sounds are really good and I would like to use them.
Thanks a lot, it's a precious ressource. I'm learning sound design (SFX) and am very curious of what softwares / plugins you used for creating it ? I don't manage to get any close to some sounds here using FamiStudio or FamiTracker.
I'm so glad I found these! they sound so good and fit the theme of my arcade style game.
https://noobnatious.itch.io/mole I made a game using your sounds, they sound great btw! thanks for putting them up for free!
Hey there. Thanks for the great sound effects! I used them in the following game jam entry:
Hi, I used these sound effects in my game. Thank you very much.
I've sent you CD-Key, please check your messages.
Thank you! I used some of your sound in my Arkanoid game: https://dsphynx.itch.io/arkanoid
Hi, i used your SFX for my first game. Very thankfull for your work. I like your sounds. You can check out my game on: Last Trip by TerrinTin (itch.io)
Thanks for sharing this. I used it in my game. Visit my profile page for a link to it.
ngl, this song is fire :D