55 voxel creatures
Thursday, August 6, 2020 - 02:38
Art Type:
I used some CC0 models and created these converted creature models.
I am not artist, I am programmer so these models are not lowpoly and not perfect. But these are free!
Zip file contains: models with textures, vox files, opengameart links, how_to_add_new_models.txt
Color palette in vox files:
You can follow my voxel things on
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youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPl7l1WDdOFOp2y7Ih5pcqA

This is fantastic! While they are a little higher resolution than the other voxel models I am working with, I am excited to try downscaling them to integrate into my own project.
May I ask what you used to convert the original models into voxels?
Oh thanks :-). Sometimes I used bigger textures so there is no standard resolution.
I used Qubicle (https://store.steampowered.com/app/454550/Qubicle_Voxel_Editor/) with Voxelizer Module because that software can import obj.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THESE. Is there any way I can buy you a bunch of coffees or donate to you for this amazing work? Please?
Thank you! When I use other people's work (cc0 items), I don't want a donation because it's not fair.