6 More RPG Enemies
- 09. Pixel Art - Battle Sprites
- 16x16 RPG
- 2D::Profile::Creature
- A Pixel Art Collection
- A Pool: Unsorted (GDN)
- AK 2D Characters
- Android App Store Project
- AOO Game Art
- Art for Undying Dusk PDF game
- Art used in Dusk Graphical MUD
- Art With (Open) Character
- assets for a a maze of Galious remake
- Base pixel art for 3D pixelish RPG
- Battler
- Card Game
- Character - Static - Art Collection
- Characters
- critters and creatures
- Doctrine of Darkness
- Enemies
- Enemies and characters (Pixel Art)
- Generic Art Collection
- Horror game
- JRPG Engine Demo
- Libre VCMI
- long licence fantasy modern game
- Medicine's disordered list of Fantasy RPG Tilesets
- Monsters
- Monsters & Bosses
- N-RPG monsters
- Orcish Adventure!
- Phone calls from Istavan
- Pixel Art - JRPG
- pixelart-game-by
- Quality Art for 2D RPGs
- Resources for /Dev/Null
- RPG Art
- RPG Stuff Collection
- Sideview pixel art RPG enemy sprites
- Sprite
- Sprites
- Used in Hero of Allacrost
- Zelda Like RPG
- zzStuff I've Downloaded
As a follow-up to the set of dragons, here are some miscellaneous rpg enemy assets which I've put together over the past six months or so, bits of this or that. Some of them might be expanded further.
Specifically: the orc may be expanded into a broader set, as a sort of extension of the goblin set here: opengameart.org/content/10-basic-rpg-enemies-the-goblin-supplement
The tentacled facey horrorterrors have a blue friend, available here: http://opengameart.org/content/more-rpg-enemies
The trolls and magician are lightly edited from sprites by Blarumyrran to enhance style compatibility. The originals are available here: http://opengameart.org/content/trolls http://opengameart.org/content/wizard-0
The orc was edited/drawn over an original sprite by LordNeo, available here: http://opengameart.org/content/orc-static-64x64
Part of the ongoing rpg enemy set, available here: opengameart.org/content/sideview-pixel-art-rpg-enemy-sprites

Those packs are excellent Redshrike! Congrats to everyone working on this.
The preview image LIED to me there are 7 enemies AND there is no Rat-Man Sprite. Shame on you RedShrike.
Remixez on the way ...
Hehe, I like it!
Yeah, the rat king quit at the last minute--said something about wanting to spend more time with his family. You can probably reach him at home: http://opengameart.org/content/rat-men-rpg-enemies
Dang Redshrike! Looking at all your excellent pixel sprites; makes me want to learn Java programming so I can polish up the old Dusk game engine- to better utilize these sprites. I'm very happy you remembered Dusk. I've learned a lot about pixel art by looking at your sprites. I'm inspired to do pixel art because of you! :)
Hey Mumu, nice recoloration on the Orc making him into a Demon and nice shields too!
Great pixel characters!
Wow these are amazing! Is there any way you could animate them in 8 directions for an isometric view angle?
I would be willing to hire your services if necessary. Contact me if you're interested :)
Sorry for the slow response to this. I really appreciate your compliments and your offer. Unfortunately at the moment I'm too busy with school to take on another project, especially one that would be as time-intensive as this. Best of luck on your project.
Nice pixelart!!
I used some of those sprites in my game: https://lucas-c.itch.io/undying-dusk
Thank you!!