8-Bit Music Pack 1
Tuesday, March 12, 2019 - 17:38
Art Type:

A pack of 7 loopable chiptunes in classic NES style. Includes:
- 50's Bit (1:36)
- Deepwater Ruins (1:37)
- Down the River We Go (1:36)
- Lights Out (1:36)
- Mountain Trials (1:24)
- Running (0:57)
- Sparkle Stars (0:45)
Total duration 9:30. Tracks are included in high-quality ogg format and designed to loop. Please let me know if you use this music in your game! I'd love to play it myself and share. Thanks. :)
- Follow me on Twitch: https://twitch.tv/mrjoshuamclean/
- Get more free royalty-free music or commission custom, quality music: http://mrjoshuamclean.com
- Join the 8 Bits to Infinity Discord to participate in game jams and other creative challenges: https://discord.gg/umzMXNq
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Contains music ©2019 Joshua McLean (mrjoshuamclean.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Very nice
Nice audios.
@MrJoshuaMcLean, Your tunes fit perfectly in my game. Thank you very much for making them. I added your name to the credits page, I hope that was the correct way of doing it. If you'd like to check it out, the game is hosted on Game of the Month.