8x8px 3/4 perspective tileset
Thursday, December 31, 2015 - 07:29
Art Type:
Basically it's reworked version of my old 8x8px tilesets:
Bunch of new things added, details reworked and cleaned.
Examples scaled x2.
_p1.png - tileset with 1px padding.

Excelente trabajo
Gracias! :)
Nice. I'm always amazed at how much detail you guys can get out of such a small workspace.
Thanks! :) It is incredibly awesome creativity training. Hard, but fun and even addictive. How much can you squeze into this limited space, without ruining it.
Yeah, these are somehow even better than the originals! Really amazing what you've put together.
Thank you! I want to make a full tileset in this style, from surface biomes to the deepest dungeon. Even monsters and characters. Still long way to go, but fun. :)
Wwwwwwwwooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing art. I would love to see the dungeons and monsters. With those addons I would be able to make a full game out of it. Instant favourite! :D
Hey! It cut off most of my h's and all my exclamation marks! :(
Hehe, Thanks! But it won't be fast, and characters\monsters at 8x8px is incredibly hard to do.
I know, yeah they are really hard to do and incredibly time consuming. I tried doing a monster for my game and pretty much ended up with a blob of pixels. Good luck trying though!
Amazing artwork ;D
Oh, I'm in love now! Just love those birght colors! <3 <3