A wish to Fulfill
Thursday, January 6, 2022 - 02:20
Art Type:

A fast paced chiptune piece, Constuctive feedback apprecied.
updated version - https://opengameart.org/content/a-wish-to-fulfill-updated

Dang, this is nice!
As always, a triumph. I think that the imbera (I think that's the chiming instrument at 0:15 and 0:48) is good for the "suspense" version of this song, or the "magical kid is about to explode with power by remembering moments of their friends." However, I would also like to hear a version with something more like tubular bells or some other (albeit muted) large instrument.
The chime certainly stands out from the chiptune and creates a dramatic effect; this is awesome. The looping is quite perfect; I'm listening to it whilst coding.
The only problem with listening to your music while trying to code is that I want to stop coding to listen to your music. :D
Thanks for you comment and feedback. I also agree that the chiming instument feels kinda out of place(and a little too lod too). I will upload a updated version in few days as the song is a little repetitive too, so making it a little longer and interesting.
I think that it's not bad that the chime is different from the rest of the piece. I just think it should be more dramatic, or possibly even more subtle.
It's like in those old JRPGs when there would be one sound effect that would really stick out, like Kefka's laugh, and it would just get your attention when you heard it.
Either way...looking forward to the rework! (And saving this existing one for posterity...) :)
I won't be removing this version, as the new one will be made as a seperate instance.
I used this song for my Steam announcement trailer for Grapplers: Relic Rivals, my upcoming 2D PVP platformer with grappling hooks:
The song seriously rocks and has so much energy! Thank you so much!