Alot of Particles Bright Flare special effect - AlotofParticles00
Friday, December 11, 2020 - 08:16
Art Type:
Five sprite sheets are included. Each sprite sheet contains thirty-two frames like the one shown. Sample image is 50% of actual size.
These were originally created for RPG Maker MV (this I have tested). I am told they will work in (I have not tested in all myself) RPG Maker MV, RPG Maker MZ, Game Creator, Game Maker Studio, SRPG Studio, Click Team Fusion and others that allow for transparent PNG import.
A downloadable PDF file below shows how to import into RPG Maker MV.
Animated Gif was created by Chasys Draw IES Artist. (Freeware Program).
Note: These are not revamped RPG maker animations. They were created with third party software
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
if used in project please credit to: JoesAlotofthings.

can this be used in unity.
Yes, you can apply spritesheets to your particle emitter in Unity. Google tutorials on Unity's particle system or buy Mirza Beig's Ultimate FX asset when it's on sale - it has examples of pretty much any kind of particle you can think of.
For the record, I have no relationship with or connection to Mirza Beig.
EDIT: looks like it's on sale now through the end of the year.