AlotofImpacts - 15 Frame Impacts w/smoke - 3 variations
Click on small white box above to start gif showing all three animations. I used white to highlight the smoke.
These are short fifteen frame impacts with smoke in one color. Sheets are 960x576. Each frame is 192x192 pixels.
Files are transparent background sprite sheets in PNG format. Each sprite sheet contains five frames like the ones shown.
IMPORTANT: These are NOT revamped RPG maker animations. They were created with third party software.
These were originally created for RPG Maker MV (this I have tested). I am told they will work in (I have not tested in all myself) RPG Maker MV, RPG Maker MZ, Game Creator, Game Maker Studio, SRPG Studio, Click Team Fusion and other that allow for transparent PNG import.
A downloadable PDF file below shows how to import into RPG Maker MV.
I hope you find these beneficial!
NOTE: Do not download the white sprite sheet above as I placed a white background to allow the colors to stand out. The native blue of this site does not show of the colors as well. The ZIP file below has Transparent PNG, not white background.
If you have any questions, please feel free to message me. I have lupus and do not make it to computer every day. I will though get back to you as soon as I can. If you ask questions in comment section I will not receive a notice, so direct message is best.