Art Challenge
Here is my submission for the art challenge 'Lost in Time'.
I wasn't sure what I was going to do and then I see some ancient text doing the rounds on the interweb called 'Evolution of the English Alphabet' and thought that would be cool to do.:)
So we have 4 alphabeticle letters and there language(if thats right)
Proto-Sinatic c. year 1750 bce
Phoenician c year 1000 bce
Ancient Greek c 750 bce
Ancient Latin c 500 bce.
How accurate these are is unsure, but this is what the reference said that i was using.
these are 8x8 tiles, and these ones are using a NES colour pallete, but feel free to change them.:)
Just for a bit of fun i have included a second preview which has a question for you to answer using the tiles, along with the answer for you guys and gals to have a go at if you want. No prizes i'm afraid, its just for fun, and i suppose it will show how good or bad these are.:)
il annocunce the answer at the end of the challenge, feel free to put your answer in the comments below,its not that hard.
thanks and enjoy! :)

Very lost in time indeed!
Yeah, very fitting the theme.:)
This is great! I will come back to this next time I am looking from some rune characters for sure!
thanks much for sharing!
@capbros thanks. :)
The question was "what is black and white and lives in Antarctica"?
answer was "penguin". :)