Articulated Breedable Vector Monsters/Creatures (The Game of Lifs)
I've been day dreaming recently about what a Creatures clone might look like. It occurred to me that vector art would seem to be ideal for a game that involves breeding and genetics:
- You can re-size, re-position and re-colour each different element to reflect maturation, genetics, mutation, inheritance, symptoms of disease, emotions and expressions, injuries, etc.
- The art style is simple and accessible, but endearing (it's harder to achieve the uncanny valley than, say, 3D modelling).
- There's plenty of vector art around on OGA to populate the world with landmarks, foods, predators, etc.
With that in mind, I revisited my Lifs from a few months back. As you can see, children can take a mix of traits from their two parents. Not shown is that you could also have mutations along the way, like subtly changing colours, sizes and positions of features.
Obviously they'll need a lot more work before they're usable in a game. EDIT: 28/04/2018 - Revisited again with a big update.