Awake! (Megawall-10)

A breakbeats/trance song very upbeat that could be used for battle music or an intense sequence. I made this for my site but never used it. It also loops perfectly.
This is for my game Pixelsphere I'm sharing some of my assets (art, sound effects and music) with the community to thank you for all the great content you have contributed. Let me know which works you find useful and I will share more similar content.
My game and soundtrack are 100% free -- there's over 50 great songs on the soundtrack, plus I have more fun trance/ambient music on for free --- you can stream it on my website anytime with the built in player.
I also made 40 Sonic The Hedgehog remixes in trance/ambient style you can stream them or download all of them free:
Please contact me if you use my music, I'd love to see your project and give you a shoutout on my website! Much of the music on you may use for free in your game if you contact me for permission and join my mailing list:

This trackwas perfect for our upcoming game Alchemist Penguin!
I'm using it in my Easter Egg Challenge 2017 FREE Android game. Thanks.
Hey, I will use this song on my Android FREE game Doink!, I will credit you. Thanks for sharing. Fantastic work!
Nice and catchy, love it
Hello just letting you know I used this in my game demo for my portfolio here is a link to my game if you wanna check it out. PM if you would like.
I used this as the theme and menu music for my game Zenn Halsey Basesol '93! Great song; thank you for sharing it!
Hello! I've used this tune in the first stage of my game (it's still in a prototype stage). :)
Thank you so much for allowing us to use your works in our projects, cynicmusic, your works are amazing! ^w^
i will upload this to soundcloud hope its ok :)
This tune is 'only' roughly 28.65 seconds.
It's looped twice in the MP3.
I'm not sure why, because it just takes up more resources for space/traffic.
Anway, great tune! :)