Barrel - Sci-fi
Sci-fi clean style barrel model.
Created with Blender, Gimp and Inkscape.
Single .blend file with 2 objects, manipulator/whatever and the barrel itself.
Manipulator/thing: 215 vertices, 426 triangles.
Barrel: 842 vertices, 1680 triangles.
Each object has 2 versions:
One with color map with ambient occlusion baked with objects together - useful for static meshes
One with color map with ambient occlusion baked with just the object itself - useful if you want to move the objects around.
Also, each object has a (tangent space) normal map and a specular map.
All textures are 4096x4096 png files.
Source xcf/svg files used to create the textures are included, too. (had to merge some layers to fit in the file size limit, though, and the GIMP .xcf files are .xz compressed.)
This is my first experiment with texturing, so textures are not that good. UV map of the manipulator has some errors, although in hardly visible places.

Neat! These smaller containers are similar in style:
I originally tried for the same look as the leftmost container on the concept art here: , so that's where the similarity comes from.
Couldn't get it quite right, especially the textures (which was the main goal) so I went
for a more conventional style.
I'm now working on a slightly less verts/tris/texture res version (about half, to be more usable in games), will release when completed.